choose to attck, lose shield, cant attack, shield?

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by C.Calamity, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. C.Calamity

    C.Calamity Crew

    after getting plundered with the necessary damage, our shields go up. wanting to maximise our stores by plundering rather than sitting around, we set out to plunder.

    we decide to first take revenge on the pirate who plundered us.

    upon clicking revenge, we are asked to confirm our intent to revenge because we will lose our shields in doing so. we confirm, but then...

    we are told that we cannot revenge because the pirate's base is being rebuilt.

    ok. nothing we can do about that except wait, but disappointingly, our shields are still down. so waiting under the protection of a shield until the revenge base becomes available is not an option.

    i would propose that in the case of attempting to revenge a plunder while our shields are up, that we dont lose the shield if the pirate's base is unavailable to plunder.
  2. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Excellent idea amigo. I've had that same thought before but didn't mention on the forum.
    To take it a step further many of us believe these bases hiding under a shield are gaming the system.
    I wish someone from Midoki would look into it. Cheaters and rule benders should not be tolerated. IMHO
  3. I have to say I agree and disagree with you.
    I agree that it's frustrating that you can't revenge someone AND loose your shield.
    BUT. You choose to attack someone, so why not try to attack some other island? What's the difference?
    You can revenge the guy later right?!
    Salty Snack likes this.
  4. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    Agree Fishy. The choice to attack has already been made. I still don't understand what "players base being rebuilt" means. If online, it says. If under shield, it says. If not hit hard enough for a shield, base is still fair game. So what does "rebuilding" mean? Thought it might be after a shield runs out and player has not yet logged in, but this is not the case either as I have seen this status immediately after being attacked.
    So what does this mean?? Are they in editor? No, that would fall into "online". So???
  5. Yeah "Players base being rebuilt" sounds fishy eh?
    I'm guessing it can only mean the player is online judging from what you just said
  6. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    It would be cool if on our defense list there was an icon next to the attackers name if we are able to revenge them at that time. That way all it takes is a quick glance at the list and choose who to revenge instead of manually trying to revenge everyone until we get a base that we can.
  7. Bryno

    Bryno Crew

    I just don't bother to much with the revenge option. At high level PR it rarely works as stated above and never blow a shield to try. Additionally its a good idea to visit the players base and check for resources to steal and guild to see if they're online (green flag) before you decide. :)

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