Collector (Distillery and Mine) Boost

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Daddy P, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    With everyone farming for so much gold for the new PH 8 upgrades, I've noticed a sharp downturn in the available loot out there. Yes, I am still finding big bases, but I'm having to next way more than I ever have since staring this game right after world release. Suggestion to Midoki, add a short term collector boost (like increase production by 50% or more) for 1 gem per collector for one week. Clash of Clans does this a lot, and it infuses badly needed resources into the game on a short-term basis.
    CerealKillerBowl, alebvk and Tex like this.
  2. ElGordo

    ElGordo First Mate

    @Daddy P
    You could just have no luck but after plundered some Million Gold like my guild friends today too, I would think your are just in the wrong area at the moment
    Tikigirl likes this.
  3. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Across multiple guilds, I'm hearing the same thing; so it's not just me. In RFF we are good at testing all rank zones for the best loot, so it's not just where I am. And to be clear, I'm still hitting big bases as I said in original post, they are just much fewer are farther between. I won't hit a base that has less than $700k of one resource in it, and am accustomed to hitting lots of millionaire bases everyday. Some of this could be due to farmers panic, with the hint from Midoki that traditional low rank farming is getting a new suit soon.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
  4. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    May as well get used to loot shortages if you are PH7+.
    It's only going to get worse with the new update.
    Tiger Claw likes this.
  5. ElGordo

    ElGordo First Mate

    @Daddy P
    It sounds like bad karma,
    somedays most simple attacks goes wrong for no real reason. Sometime just shit happens.
    But sometimes world is perfect. That's life.

    I can only speak for myself (knowing what my guild friends me told) plunder world is fine today.
    No statistics about my attacks avaible but in the last 12h I hit a 1.7 M Gold base and many other good bases with less than 50 next. I have upgraded more than 10 walls to level 10 (900 K gold each) and a few to level 11 (120 K each). And yes, I spend gems to speed up recruiting and yes I don't care about cost of troops in the moment because I have grog over grog.
  6. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    50 nexts is a lot. Used to only take 10. I start losing interest before hitting 50. That starts feeling like Clash of Clans.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
    Tex likes this.
  7. ElGordo

    ElGordo First Mate

    You are right, 50 is to much.
    I need in averaged 20 - 30 next
  8. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain


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