Copy island design

Discussion in 'Build Improvements' started by Phil, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. Phil

    Phil Powder Monkey

    Ever seen a sweet island design and wanted to try it out?

    It would be awesome to have a copy feature, it will save hours of manual island rebuilding.

    To make it interesting, the original persons island that is copied gets bonus Battle Points or Gems per number of copied islands.

    Also, a save feature for your old island design would be good.
  2. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    That would be a big challenge as in all likelihood the building/defense structure levels and quantity will be different. For example, I have built only two of my mystic mortars, they are at level 1. All of the good bases I have come across have a third one and generally they are level 2 or more likely level 3. Copying would cause mismatches.
  3. Phil

    Phil Powder Monkey

    Could you not overcome that by making copy available once you have placed all units? So in your example, you'd have to have the 3 mystic mortars. This would be an incentive for new players to build all their structures as quickly as possible.

    Or, just leave a space where you don't have that specific building or defence or wall.
    The copy feature could do a "similar island layout" not a complete clone in this case.
  4. John56

    John56 First Mate

    Because what we really need is even more of the same 2 base designs that everyone already copies? Sorry, I think you should be designing your own island. An editor with a save progress function would help here, but a "copy someone else's base" button is, in my opinion, a lazy way out.
  5. Do you know how "SIMILAR" is called in programming? An infinite number of JavaScript lines written/ERROR. In other words, ask this from the developers and they're gonna hate you.
    Ultimate Sea Dog likes this.
  6. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    ...But the game is NOT using Javascript though....

    Not that I don't agree with you....
  7. And how am I supposed to know?
  8. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    um... becos you cant use javascript to program something this complicated...
  9. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    This feature is unnecessary, in my opinion. If people are felling lazy and they can't create their own layout, or a modified version of a previous one, we should at least take some time to manually recreate it. Still better than copying someone else's! Also, it would become really easy for attackers to consistently take out bases, if a majority decides to use the exact same one design. All it would require is some time to adapt to the concept of that base, and then you are able to use the exact same strategy for others. This would make attacking much easier than it should be, and would surely lock away our creative minds for good! I find it appropriate to use a layout that is working, and has been newly introduced. And I may just keep it if I like it.
    We should all be designing our own layouts from time to time, to always learn more about defensive tactics, and see if we can discover 'the next big thing.' I agree with @John56 that there should be a feature to let us save our island design however. Sometimes it is difficult to complete a base in one go, and requires some exceptional thinking and devotion of time.
    It doesn't really take me hours to build a layout, so I don't know about that...
    Everything seems to fall into place after I have an idea of the structure in my mind.
    Smelly_Vile likes this.
  10. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    Worst idea ever, for obvious reasons. People really getting lazy these days....just not investing any time and own ideas in something. Good thing Midoki will never add such a "feature". :p
    Smelly_Vile and Cap'n Greenbeard like this.
  11. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Yes you can, at the backend, with node.js, and the front end could be an html5 webgl page with js for game logic as well.

    It's not what they're doing, but it's possible, and not necessarily difficult.

    It wasn't meant as a literal comment though, at least how I read it

    I don't like direct copying designs. I do want the ability to save designs to quickly change between them, and the ability to save a design in progress to come back to later.

    If you wanna try something out, build it :) heavens knows how many tools I've made to improve my designs. I see lots of people copy ideas I have, but with tiny mistakes that I intentionally guarded against, so seeing a knockoff out there lets me quickly find weak points where someone didn't think something thru as fully, which helps a lot when attacking. Direct copying gets rid of this advantage :( and it also means copies will be exact so there's never any variety at all - at least doing it manually people may change a couple small details which make things more exciting to fight.

    I intentionally stay low rank not because the bases are easier or there's more loot, but because there is so much more variety which keeps the game fun. High ranked players fight the same couple clones over and over and that gets dull very quick.

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