Correct WD AI voting

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Barbed, Jul 13, 2015.


What to do with Witch Doctor's logic?

  1. Continue with current WD AI (move to a largest pool of unit's health)

    1 vote(s)
  2. Fix WD AI to move to a largest pool of unit's damage with bombers excluded from calculation

    2 vote(s)
  3. Fix WD AI to move to a largest number of any units regardless of their health and damage

    4 vote(s)
  4. Summon an OLD WD with fixed sense of dead

    6 vote(s)
  5. None of all above

    3 vote(s)
  1. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Lets help lonely AI guy face-to-face with Game Theory of High Math by our opinion about WD AI dominant.
    This time I fixed meaning of incorrect Becker's unusable 2nd option and added some.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
  2. bucket

    bucket First Mate

    I would say go with number 3; however, i could change my mind to go with number 2 if you twist my arm. You are correct though, the WD is almost useless since the last update. He completely ignores the smaller more vulnerable units and heads straight for the brutes and juggs.
    850arrr likes this.
  3. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    I find last voting not as correct as it might be (sorry Becker). I'd like to see resuts of this one )
    I think people don't realize that simple lagrest number of units and largest number of damage is almost the same except that lagrest number of damage is more useful for the task )
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
  4. Fang

    Fang First Mate

    How about... #1 >>>> move to largest calculated area of health....BUT >>> Brutes and Juggs are NOT counted in the calculation.
  5. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Than WD won't protect damaged and nearly dead units. They will need him badly but he will leave them on battlefield and went to some healty on the side
  6. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    Some of us believe nearest (large health/damage group) is most important - as this is the only way to keep WD from attempting headless chicken marathons. ;)

    Also I would NOT be in favour of excluding any troops from WD calc as this could prove just as strategy restrictive as the current AI. (Some might want to protect their bombers/juggs) o_O
    awbo and Barbed like this.
  7. Fang

    Fang First Mate

    I suppose I was just thinking from the perspective of the initial attack sequence and preference of troops I want a WD to "protect". I am so used to the "drop my melee heavies and then a crowd of gunners followed by a WD in the backfield" strategy where I expect the WD to stay with the gunners group, that I wasn't thinking of some of the more creative approaches.

    Its a tough one for sure...

    I still think the wd needs some kind of priorities A.I., so that it doesn't just b-line to brutes because of health totals.


    A.I. priority #1: Protect the long-ranged, weak and powerful (gunner, heavy gunner)...following the largest concentration
    A.I. priority #2. Protect the medium health pirates (skelly, bucc)
    A.I. priority #3: sense of dead: look for a nearby "area of dead pirates" to raise. if # of dead pirates in a nearby area of effect is greater than current pirates protected/2 then ...go to area of dead pirates...
    A.I. priority #4: Protect the heavies (jugg, brute)
    A.I. priority #5: Protect the bombers

    The more you have of a particular pirate, the priority ...perhaps shifts? (based on an equation not included).
    *Cap'n Sparkle* likes this.
  8. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Priority #3 will make him stuck on "area of dead" for too long time of skill recharge. All this time he might protect somebody working hard.
  9. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Larger numbers of units should be weighted higher, hp should be weighted lower than it is, and distance it has to walk to change groups or add another member to its bubble needs to be penalized a lot more than it is.

    Highest number of troops leads to it standing too close to troops without penalizing it for having to add an extra member. What if its protecting all of one group, but if it walks really close to the action it can squeeze one extra troop in?

    It should pick the closest group, and it should stick with that group until all of the members in it are dead or something significantly better comes very close by.
    peg-brain bob likes this.
  10. RumDaddy

    RumDaddy Crew

    If it ain't broke don't fix it. Bring back the old WD.
    850arrr likes this.
  11. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    AGREED!!! This was the old AL

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