Country Changed in Android version

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by oscuro69, May 4, 2015.

  1. oscuro69

    oscuro69 Powder Monkey


    I am from Chile. When I transfer my island to Android ( Before I used Iphone ) my country now is EEUU.
    How can i change the country in android version?

  2. For IOS this is done by changing the country in your phone's settings. You can give that a try or your play-store location.
  3. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    On Android just go to settings - > location a d make sure location is toggled On.
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    On Android you can't fake a location unless you have unlocked your developer options
  5. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Also, your country in the play store is based on your payment information.
  6. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    Have similar issue. I'm in Bahrain, I bought my phone there as well. That's the country im shown in iOS. In android location is on, google payment are via PayPal linked to a Singapore card but I'm shown as being in the uk for the country scoreboard.....
  7. oscuro69

    oscuro69 Powder Monkey

    I tried change locatin in my andriod phone and in my gmail account but tne game always show me USA .....
  8. oscuro69

    oscuro69 Powder Monkey

    I change all in gmail, google+, etc. In my android phone too I nothing, when i see my country ranking show USA ranking and I am from Chile.
  9. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I suggest contacting, you can find this by going to the in game settings and clicking support.
  10. TheAdmin

    TheAdmin Crew

    I could be wrong, but I think it only does an initial localization check.

    It might only check the first time you start the game, or make an account. If you have made all these changes, I would suggest trying to clear your data and cache (or uninstall and reinstall the app) and create a new account. (I have a feeling once your account is made, its not going to change just because you travel somewhere on vacation or update your location.) Then when you start a new account it will fetch all the correct information. Otherwise like @Bear suggested, they may be able to move your account manually to the appropirate location by emailing
  11. oscuro69

    oscuro69 Powder Monkey

    I sent a email to support and that is the answer:

    are you talking about the leaderboards showing you in wrong country? Unfortunately at the moment that is related to your device's language settings. Android doesn't differentiate your location and your language which is why such an unfortunate feature got through. If your language is for example in Spanish, you are most likely placed into the Spanish leaderboards although you would be located in South America. Our developers are currently investigating this and hope to put on a fix soon. Unfortunately until then, you will just need to wait until this issue is resolved. Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience!

    Thanks a lot
    TheAdmin likes this.
  12. TheAdmin

    TheAdmin Crew

    excellent! I love interesting facts like this. Thank you for posting the answer! =)
  13. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Thanks for posting that. Good information .

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