Crew size for attacking Bigger Fish etc.

Discussion in 'Exploration Strategies' started by Malleus Pirata, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. As I am new to these forums, I don't know if this has been addressed before. My apologies if it has!
    I have recently found a strategy that seems to work very well when attacking on a voyage. Here is what I do: I decide what I am going to attack on my voyage. Then I go to the tavern and recruit the units that likely will work best. I recruit the most important ones first and then the others. I return to the map and lay out the voyage as planned. Naturally, the "suicidal!" warning appears. I then patiently wait as the recruits join the crew. Before long, the "suicidal" label changes to "dangerous" and then as the crew increases, the label disappears. I usually allow 2 or 3 more crew to join and then set sail. Almost always, my journey is successful!
    Most recent trip was to lower left and the 3* bigger fish. Crew recruited was:
    Chih Shih
    1 WD
    7 Gunners

    Success in defeating fish with 1 Gunner left and both EP and BP obtained.
    FWIW, try it out.
  2. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Nice idea...gonna try it
  3. Hey, SaK! Thanks for your comment. Look forward to hearing your experience and any refinements you can suggest.
    SaK likes this.
  4. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    I just load up on cheap, quick hiring brutes and gunners.

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