Dancing Witch Doctors

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by Keelhauler Jake, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    I'm not sure this is a bug so much as a result of the current natural gameplay. It was pretty funny to watch, so given both of those, I'm not placing a high priority on this.
    I had lost all my pirates other than two Witch Doctors who were close together by a wall. Each Witch Doctor would run towards the other, pass each other, and stop when they had changed places. Then, after a moments pause, they'd repeat the process over again.
    Quite funny to watch and it didn't affect the outcome, especially as a nasty Mortar shell took them both out after a short while.

    I've always wished that the Docs would head to a pile of dead pirates when all the live ones are gone, rather than just stand there in shock. I guess I got my wish in a slightly different form. o_O :):D
  2. And did it start to rain when they performed their dance?
  3. TBird

    TBird Captain

    My weird one last night was a group of skeletons trying to break thru a wall... But if they would have looked left 2 spaces, there was a big hole in the wall, and if they looked left 2 spaces, also a big hole in the wall.
    They just kept trying to break thru for 60 secs till time ran out
    Keelhauler Jake and JimmyM32 like this.
  4. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    They are skeletons, have you seen the size of their brains? :rolleyes:
    Oh dear, now I've mentioned the reanimated and brains in one sentence. The Zombie Apocalypse folks will be descending:(:eek:
  5. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    No, but there's 10 inches of snow on the ground today.:eek: You make a good point!:rolleyes:

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