Dead Unicorn VS Elite Family

Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by HollyMrsBooty, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. HollyMrsBooty

    HollyMrsBooty First Mate


    Awesome battle between Dead Unicorn and Elite Family! We are a guild of ph11-ph3 worked hard and did some great team work!! Thanks for the nail bitter DU each battle like this keeps the game alive and thriving =) So proud of our wonderful guild they are training and growing everyday and becoming amazing pirates! Also to the advanced pirates in our guild thank you every day for helping train and mold these amazing guys and gals <3

    You make Elite proud <3
    Madhouse, 850arrr and awbo like this.
  2. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Great job Elite Family, and well played DU.
  3. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    Good job Elite Fam, & thanks Dez for finding some perks.
  4. Madhouse

    Madhouse Crew

    Nice Holly
  5. HollyMrsBooty

    HollyMrsBooty First Mate

    Thank you Debbie XOXO
    Madhouse likes this.
  6. HollyMrsBooty

    HollyMrsBooty First Mate

    Thanks!! Dez is amazing so glad to have her always!!
  7. HollyMrsBooty

    HollyMrsBooty First Mate

    Thank you !!
  8. McQ

    McQ Captain

    Fun rumble Mrs B. You made sure we had to fight all the way to the end! DUI had few players out so the rest of us needed to step up. Congrats to your crew for your new guild pb rumble score.
  9. HollyMrsBooty

    HollyMrsBooty First Mate

    Thank you McQ you were all amazing it was fun and never dull! Everyone was having a good time <3
    850arrr likes this.

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