Defence Layout

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by Dagon, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Dagon

    Dagon Crew

    So I'm having trouble deciding what to do while I don't have enough walls. Ideally I would like to section each defence in it's own wall with my resources and main building in the middle. What I have right now is my main building in the middle and some defences walled off individually around it.

    One idea I did use on another game was to put all of my resource holders in the middle and actually leave the main building outside so it can easily be destroyed to give me a shield and protect my resources but then with pirate rank....

    Also I've seen people just put anything important along with defences inside one big wall but then once 1 section of wall is destroyed they are in really.
  2. Dan [Midoki]

    Dan [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    Some guys are also using the decorations and the boat in pretty creative ways... I also wonder how people are going to react to the new mortars.
  3. Dagon

    Dagon Crew

    Aye the boat is better than any wall but didn't think the decorations worked at all? Ive seen a few things but don't know what works or doesn't yet. My base got destroyed after the change but that happened sometimes too before it anyway.

    What even changed? Seems the same to me
  4. Dagon

    Dagon Crew

    Wondering also if anyone has tried building from a corner? None of these games ever let you build in a corner because people can still deploy troops on that side, is that still the case here?

    Yet to see any good examples of how decorations are used but I see what you mean by using them, I figured it out when I tried to put troops out and it said only on water.
  5. Kunkka

    Kunkka Powder Monkey

    Use decorations to make it impossible to drop troops next to your weak spots. You can also use useless buildings like builders huts to help distract the attacker.
  6. Dagon

    Dagon Crew

    Aye I already do those but when your attacked mainly by the top 5 it doesn't help a whole lot.
  7. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I'm having a hard time figuring out what to defend. Looking at the leaderboards, I see lots of people walling off pirate hall and outhouses, but leaving all their mines/distilleries and their storage outside the walls. Since those buildings are what makes the resource bars move in a fight, It seems counterintuitive. What am I missing here? Which buildings do you concentrate your defenses around?
  8. Ombit

    Ombit Crew

    Hi kelani,

    The way I understand it is that it's a similar model to Clash of Clans.

    What to wall off depends on how you want to play. If you want to go up the pirate ratings you defend the building that would give an instant win ie your pirate hall. If you want to protect your resources and aren't interested in pirate ratings defend your storage.

    I personally have my pirate hall surrounded by cannons and mortars, then my wall then my mines etc, the idea being that everything is as protected as it can be.

    It's a personal choice I think and if I'm wrong I'm sure someone will be here to correct me.
  9. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Hi Ombit,

    Thank you for the reply. I never played CoC, but what you said made perfect sense. I hadn't considered that the top players probably aren't too concerned w/ protecting resources. I don't think you're wrong. I guess our 'what-to-protect' priorities change as you make your way up the food chain.

    Personally, I'm happy to fly under the radar with an artificially low pirate rank. Anyone invaders usually fail, and extra resources for big builds only require an hour or two finding those guys who put everything into production and nothing into defense. :)
  10. Paldubeast

    Paldubeast Powder Monkey

    i just usually put my cannons, mortars and gun tower on the center to not to be easy target and then my storage around it then my gold&grog collectors and other building outside including my PH. I just let them destroy my PH for a free shield. I'd rather lose my pirate rank than my resources. At a low level, resources is more important than a rank.
  11. if you don't have a good amount of walls to use, you could use ur mines and distillerys as a protection for your defence buildings ;)
  12. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    It basically comes down to 3 options when designing a village. Farming, Ranking and Hybrid. A Farming village will have their storages the most protected and in the middle. This set-up is for people who don't have a lot of time to be on or are taking a break from raiding. Essentially it's a wait and collect tactic and loss of rank is not an issue. The Pirate Hall may also be found unprotected on the outside of all the defenses. This is done in hopes that other players will just attack the PH for an easy 1 star and quit, leaving the resources untouched. The base then gets a 12 hour shield. Ranking set-ups have their PH as the most protected and the goal is not to lose rank, while their resources are less protected. This is for players who are trying to achieve a high rank naturally. A Hybrid is a combination of the two so that everything is relatively protected the same. Ombit is correct, it comes down to your play style and what you're trying to achieve.
  13. Tim Martel

    Tim Martel Crew

    Eh, this game isn't exactly like clash. There's less reason to pirate hall snipe here than there is to town hall snipe in clash. In clash you get a decent win bonus (depending on your rank) and you use a minuscule portion of your army to kill the town hall. In this game you don't get the win bonus and your army is smaller so you'd have to use a larger % of your army to kill the pirate hall. The pirate hall is your highest hp building and should tank for the defenses. If you don't put it near the defenses attackers will have a MUCH easier time destroying your base. So I don't think putting the pirate hall outside is a good idea at all.

    Another example of how this game is different from clash is the builder huts in the corner that people do at noob levels in clash before they finally figure out that it isn't beneficial at all to do so. The opponent just has to drop 1 troop on each and he gets a good chunk of percentage from killing them. I think it's different in this game. It is completely worth putting the builder huts in the corner for a few reasons. 1) The troops have to swim to it or from it after killing it and swimming is really slow. 2) Armies are a lot smaller than clash so even spending 1 unit on each builder hut is significant. and 3) They seem to account for a smaller percentage in this game.
  14. Paldubeast

    Paldubeast Powder Monkey

    Hi Tim Martel,

    It's(The Pirate Hall) just mainly in the outside i mean far outside. I just have to make sure that my PH is reached by cannons, mortar and other defenses. As you said earlier, PH has ton of HP that can take a lot of damage for a quite long time before it get destroy. Most of my enemy's army attack my PH first and before they destroy my PH completely my enemy's army reduced by 50-80% or sometimes they can't make to destroy it completely that leads me to victory.
  15. Tim Martel

    Tim Martel Crew

    Yes, I agree with that. Mine is easily accessible but covered by cannons/mortar. My storages are not accessible at all. Seems we do the same thing.
    Paldubeast likes this.
  16. People are stupid to first go after the PH in this game in my opinion. Defense is your number one priority and if they are distracted go for resources and if their destroyed then go for the PH.
    Atleast thats how I attack (pirate level 220)
  17. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Thanks for the info, all. Lots of good ideas there.

    btw, I don't know if it changes at some point, but my builders huts are worth about 1% on the destruction scale, so they would seem to be a great distraction tactic.
  18. CyborgGR

    CyborgGR First Mate

    THe best possible strategy is to have the PH in the middle, surrounded by the canons and individual walls. outside the resources but near enough so that the canons can defend them easily. also behind walls you should put the storages and not the mines. The storages hold most of the gold and grog. The mines only a percentage. Also good advise the decorations but even better to put ashore the '"useless" buildings (huts, perks, tavern e.t.c.). near them a canon in order to shoot them while they are distracted because if you dont have a canon there is no point.
  19. There is no best possible strategy.. There are good lay-outs thats all. And in my opinion you have three sorts of bases.
    One that focuses it's defenses on storages and mines.
    One that focuses it's defenses on the PH
    One that tries to do both (but has the most change in failing at least a lot of resources or the PH).

    In your case specific the chances are that most attacks all your mines and distilleries are destroyed, and very much possible that the storages are torn apart too.
    Ombit likes this.
  20. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Also remember that a good defense helper is to be broke. No one warns to attack an island where the returns are substantially less than the costs.

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