Defending legendary- new idea

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Ultimate Sea Dog, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Hi everyone.

    I just thought of this idea.

    At PH5, you unlock the "Port" building. It has 1 slot. Subsequent UGs give it 3/6/12 slots.

    On every week's Trade Ship, you have the option of purchasing the LP on sale's "ship".

    As long as your LP has stamina and is not training, you can "assign" him/her to his/her ship. Each ship would have 180 "slots" for minions.

    You can fill each slot with the LP's minion. ie. Mack's could be some thief that gets 1% of plundered loot back into the nearest store/collector/PH when attacking enemy troops, BB and Corn would have their current ones, Romeo would have some sort of "Troop bomber" that goes to the nearest group of troops, whips out a gigantic bomb, and does an AOE explosion (then dies). if the troop gets picked off before reaching the enemy lines, he doesn't do anything. Annabelle could have a mini WD that protects buildings (reduces damage by 2)

    Each minion has approx. 50 HP, and deals (with the exception of Boomer's) 10 damage per attack. Boomer's would deal 20/25.

    Every second, 1 minion from each ship is deployed. When enemy troops destroy the ships (they have to do that individually), the Lp would come out after 5 seconds, at 1/2 health and dealing 2/3 damage. The LP would not have any special abilities. Any minion not deployed is killed upon destruction of the ship.

    After the battle, how many stamina the Lp loses is as per follows:

    -1 for defending (ie. when base is attacked)
    -1 for appearing (ship destroyed)
    -1 for getting KO-ed

    Each minion costs 10 grog to hire.

    During attacks, all assigned LPs are able to attack a base, but at 1/4 health and dealing 1/2 damage (and without the abilities). they would NOT have minions (apart from BB)

    What d'ya think? i think this would be useful for balancing the bias towards the attacker.

    Ultimate Sea Dog
  2. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    The ships can be used for "quests" too. The exploration would cause the LP to be inactive but you can't train him too.

    (courtesy of @pkrhett)
    the quests have a req to set sail. the req varry from each mission and so do the rewards.
    a few reg ex: 1000 damage minimum, 1000 def min. 1 of each pirate type. 1500 damage min, 800 def max. total range 45min. total range 15max.
    so you have to create unique parties and the req get very hard for the best rewarding quest.
    "quest/voyage" take time and give mats as rewards. sending an LP that uses the reward material will give a x2 chance of getting the reward and the chance of getting double reward

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