Deutsche Gilde - German Pirates

Discussion in 'Recruitment' started by Jana, May 11, 2015.

  1. Jana

    Jana Powder Monkey

    Wer heuert in unserer Gilde an,
    wer jagt nach Beute auf unserem Kahn,
    wer kämpft mit uns in stürmischer Schlacht,
    wer trinkt Grog mit uns in sternklarer Nacht?
    Ahoi an alle Piraten, Freibeuter, Freizeitkapitäne, Landratten und Süsswassermatrosen!
    Unsere aktive Gilde sucht aktive Mitspieler.
    Bei uns gibt es kein `Pay2Win´, es wird ein ehrlicher Wettstreit um die schönste und erfolgreichste Pirateninsel geführt.
    Ein Großteil unserer Gildenmitglieder treibt hier schon seit geraumer Zeit ihr Unwesen und sind somit erfahrene Inselbauer, Plünderer und Piratenausbilder.

    Damit du uns auch findest: Unsere Flagge ist schwarz-rot mit Adler.
    HEKTOR ist unser ehrenwerter Kapitän.

    Mehr Informationen zu unserer Gilde findest du unter:

    Du kannst dich hier auch gern im Forum "Strategien und Spieltipps" beteiligen, auch wenn du nicht Mitglied unserer Gilde bist oder sein möchtest...

    Also dann, schau vorbei,
    wir freuen uns auf dich

    fröhliche Grüße

    erster Maat, Pirate Queen und Tank Girl ;)
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2015
  2. TheAdmin

    TheAdmin Crew

    I love your tank! =)
  3. Jana

    Jana Powder Monkey

    But your pic is also cool!
  4. TheAdmin

    TheAdmin Crew

    Lol! Thank you Jana! =) Do you drive your tank to work or school? Haha!

    can I borrow your tank? =D
  5. Jana

    Jana Powder Monkey

    Thats my work car:)

    You can borrow - but there are two of them where i made the pic...

    Sorry for my grammar ... my english is rusty...
  6. TheAdmin

    TheAdmin Crew

    You have great English!

    And I will make sure to get far away from you on the roads when you go to work! Haha =)
  7. Jana

    Jana Powder Monkey

    Ok - so, is it right > ...i made the pic or i've made the pic?
    Where are you from?
  8. TheAdmin

    TheAdmin Crew

    The way I would say it is "I took the pic"... But you are not the one standing on top of your tank? Lol!

    I am from Texas. =D
  9. Jana

    Jana Powder Monkey

    Oh damn - of course "took".... -my Brain is rusty too...:eek:

    And of course - thats me who' s standing on the top of the tank...

    Oh, Texas... When I think of Texas, I think of cowboys and gum chewing people... and George W. Bush... LOL:D:p... Thats all I know about Texas... Haha;)
  10. TheAdmin

    TheAdmin Crew

    Lol! Yes... it is also where a lot of Germans live as well (about 2.5 million Germans including myself). Many towns in Texas are German. =)

    It has a lot going for it, low taxes, and ranked #2 state in making the best living. We celebrate Oktoberfest too! lol...

    Anyway... you must be fast to take the picture, then run and climb up the tank if you took the picture! oder hat Ihr Freund nehmen Sie das Bild ? (is that correct?)
    haha! Your English is better than my German so don't worry about being rusty.
  11. Jana

    Jana Powder Monkey

    Hey The Admin,

    you attacked my island. how rude ....xD
    But only with 10 gunners????
    But it was a little bit strange - because were shown 97% of destroy, and in the video - it was then only 16%... Why?
    So I will come with my tank and destroy your island ;p ... But your shield is active...

    By the way - your german was cute :) - like my english ... :D
    TheAdmin likes this.
  12. TheAdmin

    TheAdmin Crew

    sent you a message about "all that" =)
  13. Jana

    Jana Powder Monkey


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