Did Observatory get a boost in last update?

Discussion in 'Exploration Bugs' started by Tex, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I noticed today that some of my ship routes are shorter post update. For example, a trip to L0 previously took 15h 9m and now takes 13h 48m. But the details of Observatory still say 10% travel reduction. Can @Lynsey [Midoki] let us know if Observatory was tweaked?
  2. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Not as far as I'm aware - are you sure you're taking exactly the same route?
  3. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Maybe they just made the grog more potent. Mid-trip amnesia.
  4. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I'm fairly certain about the route.
    Another example...i1 took 4h 32m now requires 3h 11m.
  5. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Well this is interesting, my travel times are shorter, but for others it isn't.
    For example, I just snapped the photo below of my route to L0 and so did my guildmate.
    We both have observatory active and followed the same route. Note the difference in travel time.
    I'm very happy with my time reduction! :) But it doesn't feel right that others aren't benefiting as well. :(

  6. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Moving to bugs!
  7. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Doesnt one have a fish in the voyage and the other doesnt?
    Jun likes this.
  8. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    WAIT NO! I'VE SPOTTED IT! Your friend is fighting a fish. Sea battles add to the journey time.
    Smelly_Vile likes this.
  9. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Daddy P types faster than me. -.-
    Smelly_Vile likes this.
  10. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    That explains it! Thank you.
    While on the topic it would be nice to get those times reduced. ;)
    porrig likes this.
  11. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    AND make it so in-progress voyages' times are reduced once the observatory is funded. Seriously. This little issue really negates the benefit of this perk way more than people realize.
    850arrr likes this.
  12. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    I disagree @Kelani - in that case the times should take longer when the perk goes into cooldown or isn't funded, so you would not be able to have any real estimate of time from the outset or during the voyage. It works the same as other perks and makes a lot of sense.

    Blacksmith, Stonemason, and Training Ground affect battles started while the perk is active.
    Observatory and Pirate Catcher affect the voyage/training started while the perk is active.

    Consistent and as it should be. Don't start voyages during observatory cooldown if the 10% really makes that much of a difference to you.

    I would much rather see Observatory upgrades rather than changing how it works.
  13. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    If they'd add a 20-25% upgrade, then I could live with those annoyances. However, the Obsv's low benefit has been discussed here for months, and Midoki is well-aware it's an unpopular perk, yet they have resisted boosting it. Maybe they don't feel it needs increasing, or maybe they want to slow our maxing of the original map until the new ones arrive. I don't know. Either way, it didn't seem like a boost was in the cards, so I threw out some alternate ideas.

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