Disappearing Guildship Pirates

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by PTO Plunderer, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. PTO Plunderer

    PTO Plunderer Captain

    Is there anything being worked on so when two people start donating to a Guildship it doesn't steal extra pirates? Someone just had 8 spots for troops, I got in 7, a guild mate got in 6...so 5 pirates/grog/recruit time was basically stolen between the two of us. This isn't new, and I haven't heard of it being worked on so I was curious.
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Agree, @PTO Plunderer this bug has been around since the introduction of the Guild Ship. But unfortunately I doubt if there is anything that can be done, as it goes back to the time it takes for the various 'clients' (members) donating and the game server recognising that the spots have been filled. Where GS requests are filled quickly in any guild their will always be a risk of pirates being lost over-board.

    One solution would be a check/balance/receipt method where after the Game server has completed the transaction, it checks to see who donated and how many were sent. Then 'refund' any other member those pirates did not make it to the GS.

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