Do pirates cry and wine?

Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by WinstonCOV, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. WinstonCOV

    WinstonCOV First Mate

    A lot of "Pirates" like to cry and whine about mini's. Let it go. If you don't like it, you don't have to rumble.

    Mini's are the way pirates who don't spend gems, compete with players who do [in rumbles]. Once the mini's are fixed, everyone will complain about how many gems players burn to get top spot. Really then, rumbles will boil down to which guild is willing to put up the biggest pile of cash to call themselves winners (and just for a day at that!). Only Midoki wins in that game. Just a thought. Also, different countries have different rates for the cost of iTunes cards, and ultimately gems. So even that isn't an even playing field.

    The point of playing games is to have fun. If you are getting frustrated or upset, you are doing something wrong.

    If you are basing any amount of your own personal self-worth in winning rumbles, you are doing something wrong.

    Don't forget to have fun pretending to be a pirate!

    As a side note, ask yourself "What makes a good plunder pirate?" Attack strategy? Defense strategy? Optimized building series? Pirate Rank? Piles of loot? ... Whatever! To me, winning rumbles is about as good of an indicator as Pirate Rank - kinda fluid and not very informative. So ... if you find an answer that suits you, then go for it and have fun.

    *edited because I can't spell whine correctly ... lol
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    Jiminy Cricket likes this.
  2. Shark Bait

    Shark Bait First Mate

    I am getting a little tired of this lame justification that minis are used to compete against those who use gems. We have encountered during several rumbles, minis scoring major points. We do not have people that gem, they wait 30 minutes for their troops to be completed. The opposing teams are using their minis from the very start, I can only assume to let their other players take it easy. So please explain how it is fair someone can raid non-stop (see Skye's explanation in another thread) using no gems scoring just as much BP as a PH7/8/9 who has to wait 30 minutes for their troops to be finished. Someone using a mini can score ten times the amount of BP as someone with a PH7/8 account during the same time frame without using gems. If you try saying "We only pull out the minis when other teams do", I say that is BS, the majority of the teams we encounter are using them from the start. We have a full team of great players, I will not remove any of them to make room for a "mini" account just to take advantage of a flaw in the rumble scoring system. To me, that would show low character.
    Becker Redbeard and Taipanfan like this.
  3. WinstonCOV

    WinstonCOV First Mate

    There are BP requirements even for low PH players to upgrade the academy.

    How is it fair that someone can spend money to "win"? Pay-to-win is the term used to describe these games. It's not fair. Nobody ever said it was fair. Setting expectations for fair play will just lead to disappointment.

    This is a pirate game ... fairness should not be expected. Players with "Low Character" should be ; )
  4. Shark Bait

    Shark Bait First Mate

    I am not talking about players that spend money. I am talking about a player that has struggled for nearly a year, building up his island without buying a single gem. He has a PH8 account and enjoys competing in rumbles. He raids every 34 minutes like clockwork. He does his first raid when rumble starts, gets 21 BP. Comes back 30 minutes later to do a second raid and there is a mini on the other team 200+ points already. Granted, it is a pirate game and we all know it is full of players with low or no morals. But understand how encountering something like that immediately sucks the enjoyment out of the game for someone who has devoted many hours a day over the course of the year to reach their current level, To have a player come along that has been playing for 3 days and ruins any enjoyment they once got from doing the rumbles. I ask, how can you justify that as being any way fair. Your statement was if you don't like it, you don't have to rumble. That is true. Also understand how frustrating it is for the player who has devoted a year into the game, to encounter it.
    Jiminy Cricket likes this.
  5. Jiminy Cricket

    Jiminy Cricket Powder Monkey

    You both have very good arguments and great points. I've worked hard to get my pirate hall to level 9 and my pirates upgraded. I do the best I can in rumbles, but even with regular raids, I'm putting up between 200-300 BP. It seems to have become about minis controlling the show or gems being used. I think both detract from a bit of the fun of the game in it's purest form. That is, "you have resources, I want them, I'm going to take them!"

    It'd be cool if there were categories of rumbles where a certain level of pirate hall would be required for one level (I.e. Pirate hall 7+ rumble) and you could select a "gem rumble" or a "no gem rumble." That wouldn't happen but it would be cool to see a hard fought battle with two enthusiastic guilds. You don't want to go against minis, select that when you choose your rumble. You don't want to have gems be allowed, select that when you choose your rumble. Then we wouldn't hear "you gemmed" as if that were cheating or "you used minis." It'd be a straight up, no excuses whipping! Now, it appears we have hackers to deal with too! Geez!

    Still, I love the game and will continue to work on my pirates and my base. I've come too far to start over so we can win some rumbles! Enjoy all!
    Tiger Claw and WinstonCOV like this.
  6. JT07

    JT07 Crew

    I have not been able to understand why people are making a fuss over the use of mini(s) over those who gemmed during rumbles. And it seems that gemming during rumbles is 'ok' but using mini(s) is a big 'NO NO'. What about those guilds that don't gemmed or use a mini(s) but just want to a 'nice,fair and clean' rumbles? Ye, some will said we are pirates and playing a pirate game, when does nice, fair and clean should ever take comes into the picture.
    If Midoki can accomodate by the tweaking the rumble match making due to the use of mini(s), I'm sure they can too accomodate by tweaking to have an option for gemmers guild rumbles.
  7. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Its mainly because people are spending real money to make those attacks, and after spending real money and still having trouble keeping up with someone that didn't spend a cent, it discourages spending. And that hurts the game, because midoki loses revenue. If you want the game to continue to be around, you don't want things to exist that reduce Midoki's income and push away a key player demographic.

    Gemming is ok because any account, any player at any level can choose to do it. Most players that don't spend money still gem a couple attacks here or there. Its pretty much required if you want to finish your walls, so if you're farming your walls, might as well make it count. And most importantly, its an option for everyone - if you feel like winning, you can buy gems and fight back. But players can't choose to go back to ph2 and spam full armies for free. And requiring high level players to be forced to spend a considerable amount to keep up with players that don't have to spend a cent is whats unfair. If the minis had to spend an equal amount to put up those scores, no one would complain - its the fact that they can do it for free, but higher level free players that actually have skill can't compete.
  8. I believe if the rumbles only took place between members of the 5 guilds that participate would be great, this way surely the minis will be justified
  9. Why not simply tier the BP bonus rewards by Pirate Hall level? A PH 2 should get like 5 bonus BP while a PH9 should get the full 25. Their competition is harder.
  10. Because the diffrence in recruiting time and also lower troops cost and relatively easier bases to fight, a PH2 can easily gain more than 25 BP before PH9 can even win a match
  11. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    It appears Midoki feels the current BP system in place is perfectly balanced for all aspects of the game that currently uses the premium BP currency (LP's, upgrades, etc...) except rumbles. They used an existing comprehensive point system (BP) that was already in place and pulled one aspect from it (BP from raids) to use as a scoring system in rumbles. Altering the BP obtained from doing raids for the lower levels would damage their ability to advance at a well established and balance pace. So instead of screwing up a BP system that is fairly balanced for the all levels (except in rumbles) they are creating a new scoring system for rumbles. Which can't arrive soon enough.
    Becker Redbeard, Skye and Bou Regreg like this.
  12. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Stubbed my toe once..I cried...A lot then I wined and wined a nice cab sav from Margaret river quite nice!:D
    Christy likes this.
  13. Floki

    Floki Captain

    No was definitely wine:p
    awbo likes this.
  14. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    While I'm excited for the new scoring system, I'm sure a lot of people would be happy if instead of nerfing mini bp, they gave a massive increase to higher level bp until then, given the LP upgrade costs :)
    awbo likes this.
  15. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    From what I understood, they were not touching the BP at all.
  16. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Can I get some cheese with my wine please :Do_O:cool:
    DredPirateDogma, Bou Regreg and Floki like this.
  17. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    No they aren't touching the bp, but hypothetically if they boosted it enough for higher PH, that would both fix the discrepency between ph levels and make people stop complaining about how much they need for LP upgrades.
  18. Floki

    Floki Captain

    A bit of blue vain?
    Christy likes this.
  19. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    If rumbles will ever be fair it will be by limiting the number of battles fought for a rumble. As mentioned here before, that will likely not ever happen because gemming makes Midoki money and they are running a business.

    A mini getting 10 wins would not generate as much BP as a PH9 doing the same number of battles.

    Seem CoC has it right on this one, and folks can even opt out of the rumbles there.

    The minis time has come and gone. We used them and will until the rules change. But if the rules change that the gemmers win then sadly there will be no reason to rumble for most players.

    An additional column on the rumble leader board for gems spent would be nice so we could see how much people pay to be up there. Then we could look on the board with the admiration of those people's wealth or with the satisfaction that we did not spend money to be there ourselves.

    I used to spend gems on the rumbles to help my guild win with a lot of battles, but it is of course a pointless thing to do so a sane person like myself stopped the behavior. If the rules were actually fair and limited the battles to ten per player that wants to rumble then I would probably still gem out of convenience so I could battle all ten at once in my free time.
    Tiger Claw and # Johnny Doe # like this.

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