Do you want an online leader board?

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Bear, Apr 1, 2015.


Do you want an online leader board?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I really don't care

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  1. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I think it would be cool to have an online leader board we could check without being in the game.

    Any thoughts?
    TBird likes this.
  2. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Heck yes!!!!
    Bear likes this.
  3. Evil Rastlin

    Evil Rastlin First Mate

    Bear, how about you get back to playing before you worry about the leaderboard. LOL J/K BTW you are still at PR: 499, not bad for being offline for 43 days now! Bet you are counting the minutes until Droid release so you can play again! :)
    Bear likes this.
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I am definitely itching at the app store for the release.
    TBird likes this.
  5. I dislike my iPhone 4 so yes please!
    Bear likes this.
  6. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I vote for one online that has the capability for the user to "ignore" individuals and guilds so they are excluded from your personal ranking. I would love to exclude the rank boosters and those two clowns holding onto the #1-2 spots currently.
  7. Captain Didwell

    Captain Didwell First Mate

    Sounds good to me. My phone really go out of battery that fast and this can help save some.

    so +1 too.;)
  8. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Yes please! And an online interface can allow so much more than the game can. I would like a way to view various guild member stats in a table form online too.
  9. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    +1 here......
  10. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Awesome stuff, why isn't it in Guild improvements? :) Maybe I can help.
  11. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    What I would *really* like would be a REST/JSON API so that I could write my own interface for my guild members :)
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I'm fine with it being in the guild suggestion forums, but I didn't see it as a strictly game improvement since it would be Web based.

    That being said, I would settle for a simple online leaderboard, but the more info available online the better.

    One game I play has an online component that even allows chat if logged in on the browser.

    So my perfect idea would be a dedicated page that we could log into with Facebook if we have it synced to our game. On that page we could view leader boards, player stats, and chat with our Guild.
    TBird and Kelani like this.
  13. Evil Rastlin

    Evil Rastlin First Mate

    Because how is this a guild only thing? I would have never voted if it had started in here. I thought of it as the Personal Leadership board, not once did I even think "guild".
    Raptelan likes this.
  14. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Because it's a feature request and that is the best category for it.

    Do you think it should go in Battle? Build? Exploration?

    I don't.
  15. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Well the original topic was an online leaderboard which may or may not include a guild leaderboard, but isn't guild-based. I think this pretty clearly belongs in General Improvements.
    Evil Rastlin likes this.
  16. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Whatever. Moving it Again.

    So you know, the point here was just to get it into the Ideas and Feature Requests subforum. Where it lands there is not really important. If it's a good idea, it gets on the master lists, which the devs look at.

    Why did i put it in Guild? Because the Guild leaderboard is guild related. As for the personal one, when a member of my guild made a run on the personal boards, we all get behind them. So yes, there is a guild-based component to it.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2015
  17. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    No offense, but unless you have ideas about how this feature request could be made better, or know of any potential problems that may pop up while implementing it, I don't much care what you thought.

    It's Bear's idea, and these are his words:

    This is not an easy feature to implement. It may not even be possible, given Midoki's resources. So, assuming we could get something cool like this added, why on earth would they spend all that time and money just to make an API showing player stats and a personal leaderboard? To borrow an example from another thread, that'd be like building the Ferrari garage from Ferris Bueller's Day Off and sticking a moped in it.

    IMO, for them to consider doing something like this, it would need to be robust, and do more than just mimic the same stats we can already see in the game.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2015
  18. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    No need to get upset. I just see this as a request to make some game data available outside of the game. A REST API would be sufficient for others like me to build our own interfaces on top of and would take the least work for Midoki to implement. Midoki could also create their own web interface on that foundation, or without making the nice foundation and instead offering a proprietary interface only. Either way, it would ultimately be a way of accessing game data in a read-only fashion outside of the game. That information may happen to include guild information, but it would also include player information, battle information, build information, exploration information - all stats shown in the game and possibly more. Hence why it's a general improvement suggestion. :)

    Here are some possible reports I can envision, just to illustrate my point - all could be from the last hour, day, or whatever time period:
    * Most Whoop-butt Battles - 3-star victories with the shortest time between start and finish.
    * Barely made it! - 3-star victories completed in the last second of the 3 minutes allowed.
    * Busiest explorers - top players based on percentage of map uncovered.
    * Maxed players - list of everyone with every possible upgrade complete.
    * Guilds with the most collective upgrades.
    * Busiest builders - top players based on upgrades completed recently.
    * all the stuff you see in the game leaderboards.

    Guild stuff, battle stuff, exploration stuff, build stuff, etc.!

    If we could get data points for various points in time we could also generate all kinds of fancy graphs.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2015
    JowTromundo and Evil Rastlin like this.
  19. Evil Rastlin

    Evil Rastlin First Mate

    Wow you responded twice to my one and only comment asking why it needed to be moved... The first answer wasn't enough? It was really needed to then be rude a day later with a second response saying no offense, and then being offensive doesn't excuse you...
    Raptelan likes this.

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