Donated pirate level.

Discussion in 'Guild Bugs' started by Captain Crumbly, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Captain Crumbly

    Captain Crumbly Powder Monkey

    When a pirate is donated to somebody by low level player, it should become the same level as that players own pirates. If this is not the case then low level players will not be able to contribute.
  2. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Hate to disagree, but no, it really shouldn't. By that logic, if I submit a L29 to a low level, it should drop to match their own crappy troops, which kind of ruins the point. in Clash, there should be an option to discard unwanted or low-level troops.
  3. Captain Crumbly

    Captain Crumbly Powder Monkey

    No that's not what I mean't. When a low level player donates to higher level player then the pirate should increase to the level of the higher player. When a high level player donates to lower level player the pirate level should stay what it was. Example my witch doctor is level 12 and a low level player donates to me a level 1 witch doctor. It has taken up valuable space in guild ship and I don't want this space wasting with such a low level pirate. I would rather he hadn't even bothered. Which is what I mean low level players cannot contribute to higher level players. I agree with you when the donation is going the other way the pirate level should not decrease, so that high level players can help out lower level players with better pirates. If low level players cannot contribute high level players will soon get tired of donating their expensive and time consuming pirates when they get nothing in return.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
    Kelani likes this.
  4. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Ok, That makes more sense. I'd probably like to see that as well, but I'm not sure if it'd create any problems. In Clash, the levels stay the same, but you have the option to delete unwanted/low level troops. I'm guessing they had a reason for adding that, instead of boosting the troops level. But if not, then I can get behind that :)
  5. Captain Crumbly

    Captain Crumbly Powder Monkey

    Being able to discard pirates still wouldn't help low level pirates contribute, which I guess was my main point although probably not clear. Rather than being able to help low level players to grow, we would probably want to kick them and replace with higher level player. In the past with the guild perks they could contribute equally, now with troop donations they cannot.
  6. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    I know what you're saying but it's too easy to abuse this system...we would have lots of people with low level 2nd accounts donating troops to their main account cheaply.
    Excalibur likes this.
  7. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    Johnny brings up a valid concern. The best way to handle the current system is request what level pirates you desire when posting inside chat.

    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  8. Captain Crumbly

    Captain Crumbly Powder Monkey

    I don,t think you can stop people creating a 2nd account and donating to themselves, so that they always have whatever pirate they want, although I see your point about the cost. I just don't see how lower level players can be as valued in the guild. Surely the cost of troops should be relative to whatever level you are, maybe the cost of troops in the upper levels is not as cost effective vs the rewards. But that is a separate issue altogether, which I think most of us are aware of and I didn't really want to associate with this one. However I guess if rewards for troop costs were more proportional then it wouldn't be such an issue. Will all guilds now become just one level of pirate hall? What if someone can't give you the level of pirate you want, they can't contribute which was my whole point. Upper level players will end up leaving their guilds to join guilds where everyone is about the same level.
  9. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    In clash they implemented a guild perk that would level up pirates being donated. Maybe we could have a similar perk
    Captain Crumbly likes this.
  10. Sigrid

    Sigrid Crew

    This has always been the way in clash. You accept whatever troops your members have.. they will grow and they are extra anyway. I love giving high level troops to helps them a lot! Soon they will have bigger troops to give you.
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  11. Sigrid

    Sigrid Crew

    You win those perks in clash through war
  12. Captain Crumbly

    Captain Crumbly Powder Monkey

    Didn't know we were playing clash thought this was PP. The only real issue is your getting a pirate that wasn,t paid for properly. The only people that are missing out, Midoki because it could of potentially been gemmed. With all the defence upgrades for high level bases, it is neccessary that your troops are sufficiently upgraded to maintain game balance. Just feels like guild ship needs a little more polish.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
  13. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    In clash yes, but it doesn't have to be that way here. It could be a new perk building.
  14. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I don't get the aversion so many people have to borrowing good ideas from Clash, or other games. As long as Midoki doesn't repeat their mistakes, borrowing the best ideas from Clash seems like a great thing. Even if it's something simple, like the game remembering your last donation message, so you don't have to retype it, or allowing you to dismiss unwanted donated troops. These things can only make the game better.
    Sigrid, Bear and # Johnny Doe # like this.
  15. Vince

    Vince First Mate

    Last edited: May 2, 2015
    Raptelan likes this.
  16. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    I for one, really prefer it as it is. The only addition I think makes sense is the ability to discard unwanted troops. But then again, it's fun that it doesn't. Beggars shouldn't be so choosy!
  17. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Yeah. The ability to discard troops would be great

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