"Eaten By A Monster".... But Pirates Came Home Safe?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Spongee, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    This is the second time this has happened to me. Someone please explain why this happens. I lose a sea battle, but my ship returns with many pirates still onboard.

    Here's the lost battle

    Here are the troops that returned safely


    So how is it I lose this battle when so many troops were defeated in battle and so many returned safely?
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    Tiger Claw likes this.
  2. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    Oh wow.. Seeing this makes me wonder if I also suffered the same fate. I think I've lost about 5 battles since the update, but never took the time to double check the ship and or crew.

    I'll be sure to post further if I lose again and actually have crew remaining.

  3. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Perhaps those other troops were just spectators
    awbo and Tiger Claw like this.
  4. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    That's very strange, must be another bug.
  5. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain


  6. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Maybe the troops who returned fed those other guys to the fish and high-tailed it out of there.
  7. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    lol TEX, reminds me of the old hikers and tiger joke. Two hikers came across a tiger. First hiker starting taking off his backpack. Second hiker asked "What are you doing, you can't outrun that tiger". First hiker replied "I don't have to, I only have to outrun you" (condensed version).

    @Lynsey [Midoki] Any help? As you can see, my fellow players are useless, they just make jokes about my dead pirates :p
    Tex and Tiger Claw like this.
  8. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Maybe they tasted bad and it spit them back up!
    Jajlo likes this.
  9. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Maybe they got all that bacon you promise during recruitment
  10. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    I'll pass it onto the coders, Spongee - it's not something we've seen before.
  11. Fil

    Fil Captain

    I thought it was a bear not a tiger?
  12. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Now that you mention it, maybe it was an angry warthog the hikers encountered.

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