Errand improvements for Materials

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by fricc2174, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    I have, what I think is a great idea. How about the Errand system helps you earn materials for Legendary Pirates.

    The greater the time your pirates are gone would mean either more materials or a rarer type of material they would return with. For instance if you send a pirate on a 5 minute mission they will get like 1 copper or iron. But send them on a hour errand and the come back with a blue /rare material. Or send them away for several hours and they would return with an epic/purple item.

    This would make doing errands extremely useful.

    It would be still tough to get items that are epic because they would only come up occasionally. But still help Leveling your LP a bit easier.

    What do you guys think??
  2. bucket

    bucket First Mate

    I think this is a stellar idea. Most people complain that after a certain point in the game errands are useless. This would give them a purpose again just like using the exploration map has come back instyle. great suggestion.
    fricc2174 likes this.
  3. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    Exactly. Speculation was that errands were to help new Android players; payouts are minimal.
    Reviving errands with materials is a great idea!
    bucket and fricc2174 like this.
  4. awbo

    awbo Captain

    And while we're on it, why not give materials for watching ads, I would certainly watch them all in that case?
  5. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    That's a good idea too. Because while I can appreciate that players that put in effort to level LPs will perform slightly better. It is gonna take a very very very long time to level Blackbeard to max. Did you know it takes 110 exquisite diamonds which are purple/epic materials, not to mention all the other materials.
  6. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    +1 for that. And based on the current value in gold/grog that these Ads are giving; there should be a very nice level of material too.
  7. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    I am thinking about putting this in the main forum to get a lot of views. What do you think
    awbo and Ian like this.

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