Event Scoring After Hitting the Cap

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by ElFrenetico, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. ElFrenetico

    ElFrenetico Captain

    Hi! I'm sorry if this has already been suggested - I took a quick look around and didn't see it, so here goes...

    Admittedly, this is a problem that a fairly small number of users may have, because it only happens when a guild hits the maximum score for a guild event, but I thought it was worth mentioning because of a possible negative side effect.

    I've noticed that right around the end of a guild event, especially the Sir Boggs sailing event, we have some crew mates apologizing for not doing as well on the event as they'd hoped. In some cases, they might even have a sail coming in an hour or two after we hit the cap, and as a result, even though the event might go on for a few more hours (or a few more days, if we're doing really well), their efforts go unnoticed and the guild contributions only show their score as of the time we hit the cap.

    In the worst case (or in particularly competitive guilds), without some careful reassurance, this could even lead to crew mates competing with each other to "get their scores in" before the end.

    It would be nice if the guild's score could continue to climb even after hitting the cap, so that everyone could be recognized for their contribution to the event, even if part of that contribution happened after we hit the top prize.

    If you want to give players a motivation to keep scoring after the cap is reached, you might even consider event awards that go to the top scoring guilds in the event, or some sort of "overachiever" award (like gold or grog) for any amount scored over the cap. These last two ideas could work for individual events too.
  2. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    I wish you could see the previous guild event scores somehow other than saving hundreds of photos. Either in the guild stats or maybe a new tab for previous guild event score similiar to rumbles that would list individual results as well as final results for the guild as a whole. Or possibly we could get rid of that useless streaking leaderboard and put events leaderboard on there. Even better!
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2017
    850arrr likes this.

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