Feature Request: Eliminate Guild Perk Cooldown

Discussion in 'Guild Improvements' started by Tex, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    This whole business of having to wait for a perk to become effective again really sucks. For example, depending on what timezone you are in, you may, or may not be as effected by cooldown periods. It always seems to happen, like right now that the Pirate Catcher goes inactive while I have a few hours to kill. In the meanwhile my guildies on the otherside of the world are asleep and could care less. So instead of enjoying the game I'm having to do other things. Why have a cooldown period at all? I mean seriously if the guild contributes to activate a perk why not let it remain active so everyone who contributed can acually enjoy. This will not give any player a disadvantage if it happens across the board. Seriously, please consider changing this it is really dumb!
    Captain MetaTauta and TBird like this.
  2. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Any other backers on this suggestion?
    Captain MetaTauta likes this.
  3. TBird

    TBird Captain

    If not eliminate the cool down
    Any way to setup a better stagger????
    Allllllll of our perks are in cool down at the same time.
    We have lots of folks donate as soon as they can, but to be fair I would like a way for Captain to set a stagger... Offset each by 3 hours? Or 4 hours?
  4. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I think the purpose of the cooldown, other than to keep us on our toes is to make sure the funding is spread evenly across members all around the world.

    Since the perk stays active for 24h, the 2h cooldown means each day, the perk becomes available for 2+ hours later. Over 12 days, it advances. Without it, the perks would only advance for as many minutes as it took them to be funded. Players on the other side of the globe would never get a chance to fund.

    Now, they could fix that by simply making the perk stay active for 26 hours.

    Personally, even though it's an annoyance, I like the cooldown. It forces us to change our tactics and keep our skills sharp. Still, I wouldn't mind it being decreased to 1 hour or so, or even done away with, though.

    @Tim Thomas Ours have gotten like yours several times. Eventually, they start drifting apart. But I agree, it is damn annoying when ALL of them come up for funding at the same time.
  5. Strike

    Strike Crew

    Take it away...it sucks....really
  6. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I've never had that issue, but I can see where it would be annoying. I think the cool down should stay, but 1 hour is good.

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