Fifth Builder and More!

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Danny Liu, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    Add fifth builder hut... No explanation required.

    Other improvements include...
    More Silo Levels
    Another Observatory level to reduce the time for the new map (40-55% decrease.)
    Higher Gem reward for completing the Eastern Seas, maybe 1500 or 2000 since you got 1000 for completing the Western Seas.

    !!!!Revamp the Chest System!!!!
    Everything about the Davy Jones and above chests will still remain the same, all the changes I propose will ONLY be made to battered chests.
    Replace the battered chests will 3 subcategories of chests, Resource, Material and BP/EP this won't make players as disappointed when their battered chest is useless.
  2. Lady O'maley

    Lady O'maley Captain

    Yep could realy do with a fifth builders hut ...
  3. Ian

    Ian Commodore

  4. LYM

    LYM Captain

    i think 4 builders is enough
    HunterToan and HornyQuokka like this.
  5. Lady O'maley

    Lady O'maley Captain

    Noooooo u can't say that lol , I need more ,more ,more more I tell ye ,
    mybe just in a rush to get a higher PH , I have to complete my level before moving up , including walls everything I can upgrade I do before I click the upgrade PH , I never skip a few things before I upgrade PH mybe some walls while I'm waiting So I can get ride of gold while I'm waiting for upgrade to finish ,
    Can I have ur ones please ...:D
  6. LYM

    LYM Captain

    i soon maxed out on 4 builders, just time your builds so they end as you need to do a few more bits of wall
    Lady O'maley likes this.
  7. Jirobaliw-

    Jirobaliw- Crew

    It will make the game unbalance
  8. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    I have 10,000* gems waiting to buy the fifth builder when she becomes available. :)

    In truth, I think that 4 builders is the right number. It is enough that the building process does not get bogged down. Yet it is not too many such that building becomes so quick that there in no incentive to spend gems to hurry the process along. A happy medium catering to both gemmers and non-gemmers alike.

    * actually 3000 gems but it will be 10,000 by the time Midoki makes the fifth builder available.
  9. Lady O'maley

    Lady O'maley Captain

    This is true & u are right ...
  10. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Rather than another builder's hut, maybe a gem upgrade for them that lets them build things faster or something. Builders Huts and Outhouses both could use a visual upgrade ;)
    CerealKillerBowl likes this.
  11. Darth Yoda

    Darth Yoda First Mate

    I think us long timers have survived and strategized on 4 builders. I think it is a core part of the game, planning how and when to use this limited but very important resource. Changing it now would be wrong. the newer players need to accept this limited situation and plan accordingly.
  12. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    The only upgrades that I can see in the possible future is increased HP but no other benefits. Builders Huts and Outhouses is one area that I think is quite balanced...I wouldn't want them tweaking it with new abilities and causing the world to get out of alignment.
  13. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    If they required you to become PH10 to purchase the final builder, it wouldn't break things on newer players!
  14. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    Oh, great. Five builders to work on upgrading walls.
  15. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    Maybe for every builder availiable the upgrade cost for walls be reduced by 5% or so.
    Bou Regreg likes this.
  16. porrig

    porrig Crew

    Would definitely be nice for builders to have something to do when all you've got left is wall upgrades. Maybe they could be given errand style tasks to keep them occupied in return for a small reward.

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