Fight your own base?

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Pirate!, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Pirate!

    Pirate! Crew

    Has anyone else ever wanted to battle against yourself? My main reason would be to find weaknesses in my own designs or to test new upgrades after significant changes or to test a new base layout.

    I think it would be acceptable to charge for the use of the "test pirates", perhaps at 50% cost?

    Also, it would be fair to limit the number of times you could utilize this feature (kind of like a reverse shield type thing or minimum of number of upgrades to be able to use it again).
    peg-brain bob likes this.
  2. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Some people do, and I wouldn't mind the ability, but I'm more partial to letting others in your guild practice attack you. They may be able to spot all kinds of vulnerabilities that you might overlook. Overall, I think it'd provide more of a benefit.
    peg-brain bob likes this.
  3. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    +1 for guild mates attacking each have others base.
    peg-brain bob likes this.
  4. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    +2 to this idea. Talk about group learning!
  5. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    It was always been most wanted feature in COC... But never been implemented...
    It would be great to mock attack your guild members... Maybe the capt. Or the first mate should have the feature to test the bases and tell the member the faults...if the member request him to do that
    If PP can make this happen, they will surely jump a leap ahead than COC
  6. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    Great idea. Then everyone will have impregnable bases that an attacker has only 15 seconds to plan an attack. I've said it before, terrible idea. Quit playing with your bases and get out and fight. Let battle show you your weaknesses.
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  7. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  8. Josh

    Josh Powder Monkey

    Was just going to post this idea! Easy name too: Mutiny Mode (or some variant).

    Would love to have this as it allows me to test my defenses. In addition as you go up, defense is something you really want to tweak more.
  9. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I'm not a fan of this feature, in THIS incarnation.

    If it's added, it needs to be limited to test-fighting other guild members' bases. being able to fight your own base makes it too easy to plug all the holes. You need to learn those things from being raided like everyone else.

    I would love when someone asks me to check their base, to send a simulated attack and show them exactly what sucks, rather than trying to explain it.

    I think this should allow you to instantly build a "virtual crew" that disappears after the attacks. It's OK if it costs gold/grog to train, but the build time needs to be instantaneous. It'd be nice if the attacked town could view the battle in real-time, but easier would be to auto-post a replay in chat. During the battle, no loot is stolen, no mines are triggered, and all those virtual troops vanish when it's complete.
  10. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Even this though, I think there needs to be a limit to the testing. some combination of X tests/Y amount of time would need to be in play. That makes it a helpful and useful feature without making it a base perfection tool that doesn't require being raided.
  11. robskinn

    robskinn Powder Monkey

    Yes. This feature would be awesome. not only would you be able to refine your base, you'd also be able to get to grips with some of the less used troops. Please make this possible!
  12. robskinn

    robskinn Powder Monkey

    You are right of course, it'd be terrible to have tonnes of perfect unbreakable bases. Midoki could use the data to refine the troops to balance them out a little perhaps. One day, getting to the time where no base is safe from a really skilled player.
  13. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    +2 especially if guildmates can use the feature to 'lend' each other gold/grog! :)
  14. sdofigew

    sdofigew Powder Monkey

    I just see this being exploited to build perfect bases. On flip side maybe an option for internal rumble where you fight amongst your own clan and top 3 members get reward.
  15. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    When this was discussed in the past, it got a general thumbs down because of that. However, people did seem to like the idea of being able to test-raid guild member's bases, as an instructional tool.
  16. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    +1 great idea, but only if in the true spirit of the suggestion it is used as a 'Test' feature. Therefore:
    • No +/- PR to either party
    • No +/- resource (gold/grog) exchange to either party
    • No shields after, and
    • Limited use by members to prevent this feature being used as a pseudo shield
  17. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    Considering how often I get attacked by much more advanced users, it seems very fair to be able to attack your own base.

    I'm saying this from a user with PH7 and cannons ranking 8-10. This game is way too easy in offense. (I repeatedly demolish islands much more advanced than my own. Not even just to steal resources, but 100% destruction at times.) 1 witch doctor and a handful of Juggs are unstoppable and I have a fairly well thought out base. Add 15 gunners and 15 skelly's on top and I'm getting rolled instantly.

    I already know some will say my base is just poor, but I never get attacked by lower ranking users. Ever. Not even just to attempt to farm my resources.
  18. sdofigew

    sdofigew Powder Monkey

    I think you need to realize every base will get rolled if opponent is using top units and potentially there pirate hall is above yours. If a person is using multiple witch doctors and a lot of jugs there spending the grog to 2 or 3 star the battle. Realistically you want to prevent farmers from being able to 2 star you. My goal is to make it so farmers skip my base or at most get 1 star. My goal for serious attackers is to limit them to 2 stars.
  19. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Agree, at the moment no base is safe form someone looking for 3 stars... however, how to manage 'Farmers'? Farmers like a 'Return on Investment', that is: obtain the most loot with as little cost as possible.
    1. keep your total grog and gold to a minimum, say online until you have enough to spend it, remember that's all they're after
    2. if you do need to leave large amounts around; fortify your stores and leave your PH out with your collectors. (12hr shield will minimise any further attacks on your base)
    3. if you have a shield and large amounts of resources still laying around, don't break it for the sake of 1 or 2 attacks (you will get farmed again)
    4. move all your collectors out to one side all in a row; a farmer hates the recruit time so would rather take out 315k gold/grog with 2 gunners, then waste a whole crew for 500k
    5. If you leave 1mil+ gold or grog on your base.. you WILL get farmed - face it, it's a Pirate game..
    6. Everybody gets farmed at sometime... its nothing personal

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