[FIXED] Joining the whiner crowd: Loot too low

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Midleton, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    With no where else to really complain, and since this technically isn't a bug, I'll post here.

    Loot is way too low.

    Right now, I'm upgrading, training, and exploring a lot, and the highest loot I can find is 350K. Nothing higher. Often, I'll "next" 20 times and not find anything over 200K. My troops cost aroun 160K, so, getting enough Grog to do any bldg dev't or troop training is taking way too long.

    When war comes down the pipe, there are going to be all kinds of issues around grog if it stays this low. There will be f2p and p2p folks, and that dilemma may not change, but while the p2p players won't complain about gemming to complete troop recruitment, they will certainly complain if they have to buy grog with gems during a war.

    During events it gets much worse. The more popular an event is, the more participants, and the less likely it is to find an island to attack that has any loot.

    This new loot limitation will further hinder events.


    I get it, on this board, I'm going to be one of the unpopular ones, since I'm p2p (having pushed my PH high before properly developing everything else) and the f2p folks have tremendous disdain for anyone who would bother to p2p. But this isn't going to be a problem only for me.

    When the Android version comes out, you'll get a deluge of new players, and many of them will feel the same way I do (wanting to get an edge and catch up, to get competitive and add value to a guild as fast as possible, to do the fun stuff: war & events in a guild environment)

    Whatever Midoki did to demolish loot, please figure out another way.

    Make the loot higher, and folks will use the more expensive troops during wars and events, which may not be more revenue than the current lower loot model, but would still be significant.

    In two other games I've played, during wars and events, when loot is low and forcing folks to buy the currency needed to make troops, folks just stop playing because the loot reward mechanism just isn't worth the tiered event reward. Not everyone quits, certainly. But enough do that the game is eventually forced to change loot setups again, and in the meantime, folks were unhappy with the game.

    That complaint will eventually come from both f2p and p2p players.

    So...please...figure something out here that is kind to the players who were previously bummed with getting too much loot taken, without penalizing the group of players who used to be able to find loot, but no longer can.

    At the very least, it shouldn't take 20 "nexts" to find 400K-700K grog islands.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2014
  2. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Hmm. You and I are playing very different games evidently. Loot is better than it's ever been and as far as I can tell it gets better every day. 700K grog means the island your hitting has over 3 mil grog. So what your asking is to be able to find a base with that much in what, 5 searches? 10? Not sure why 20 searches is unreasonable. Takes less than a minute to search 20 bases. Considering an army takes an hour, less than a minute is nothing. And why 400-700k grog? Under any circumstance that's asking for a lot. If your army costs 160k then you should be profiting easily. If your over 600 PR them yes, this has been discussed at nauseam. If your talking about loot in general you couldn't be more wrong, it's everywhere.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2014
  3. Shark Bait

    Shark Bait First Mate

    Right now, loot issue is rank dependent. My guess would be you too high rank. It is impossible to recoup grog costs at the higher ranks. Just drop rank below 200 and use Brutes and Gunners only, plenty of low PH level players down there. Since you said you are p2p, you can easily rank in 10 mil+ per day at the lower ranks. Once you max everything, then rank back up. But there are still issues in the higher ranks that need to be addressed.
  4. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    Maybe you're right.

    Haven't found a single island over 350K grog in a week though (gold yes, grog no).

    Typically give up nexting and hit a 200K-250K grog island. If I one star or two star it (which, admittedly has much to do with my lack of skill), equates to break even or net loss. Getting all loot maybe once or twice out of five battles. It takes 30+ battles to build enough grog to do training. That also requires gemming troop completions because I'll get attacked during the grog buildup.

    Hitting the x4 battle islands netted great grog...but of course, once the 4 battles are done....the island is gone, so...you know...hahaha, can't hit those again....

    And yeah, you're right. This has been discussed ad nauseum. It's why the title starts with "joining the...."

    Really, just venting, wasn't expecting anyone to be kind enough to respond (^-^), so thanks for that.
  5. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    Thanks Shark Bait. Will do that.

    Pretty impressive community here. really wasn't expecting replies this fast considering my childish venting (^-^)
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  6. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Lol. I whine with the best of them so no worries here. I was really just trying to get a handle on why your having issues. 250-350 is crazy with loot. I have slowed my farming to a crawl because I don't wanna finish my walls yet and sit around waiting for ph8.
    This was this morning. Gold hunting only but you get the gist.
  7. Captain Monkey

    Captain Monkey First Mate

    I'm tired of whiners. Tears.
  8. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    I see a 686K grog take in your list....


  9. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    Yeah Captain Monkey, figured a lot of folks would be.
  10. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Kinda what the forum is for. Cant exactly whine to our spouses and co-workers about our pirate game not being "good enough" can we?
    Fakebeard the Ba likes this.
  11. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    [​IMG] :

    My log...no complain!!!
    advise: come down under 200-150
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  12. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    Holy Mahoney! You found 3 within 3 hours over 300K, one of which was nearly 750K grog?! That is insane.

    I'm definitely in the wrong rank range.
    SaK and .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. like this.
  13. Lil islands getting hit more with fat loot down below. Have fun get that loot before SAK does. Bully them for the loot or someone else will.;)
    SaK likes this.
  14. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    yea. Loot is fine!
  15. Midleton

    Midleton Crew


    Dropped rank down to 400, started seeing 400K-500K grog.

    Dropped rank down to 300, started seeing more islands that can be more easily 3 starred.... with a couple of 600K+ grog

    Dropped rank down to 200, my whole Plunder Pirates world changed.

    My bad all, no complaints here.
  16. You found the sweet zone enjoy .
  17. Midleton

    Midleton Crew


    Using cheaper troops to one star and get the hell out, to stay in this ranking area....With cheaper troops, even 250K grog is worth it.

    Feel kinda bad for the islands I'm hitting, didn't really care before since I was hitting islands so strong, but not I feel a bit of a bully. But....It is good to finally be able to build resources in a half dozen or fewer fights to get what I need to for training.

    Thanks for the advice.
  18. Thats what happens ,loot scale kind of made it so more hit lil islands for loot. Part of the game enjoy it.;)
    SaK likes this.
  19. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Nice...I'm happy for u...enjoy!
  20. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Just raided a base that had 1 million gold and 600k grog. In the 300 ranks.

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