Flame Gate, walking around them

Discussion in 'Build Bugs' started by Jun, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    The flame gate, with walls extending perpendicular to the side columns doesn't result in an actual physical wall blocking the units from passing around the flame gate. I don't believe this is intentional, and the graphics probably need some work. You can see that the vertically placed wall extends towards the flame gate as if it was linking another wall, but there is no change in the flame gate.
    *Cap'n Sparkle* likes this.
  2. ElGordo

    ElGordo First Mate

    @Jun have you seen this live during your own attack or in a replay?
    I saw a brute run between flame gate and wall after mortar hit in replay once, but if I saw the same replay again, he doesn't. So I'm not sure what happened in "reality".
  3. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    I saw it in my own battle (live), replay and someone else' replay. The pathing for them is a bit odd atm.
  4. ElGordo

    ElGordo First Mate

    I build a dead end with flame gate.
    The pirates must now destroy a wall or walk through the small gap between wall and flame gate.
    Will tell what happen after next attack on my base.
  5. In my replay many troops basically walked between the end of the flame gate (the pole structure at the end) and the wall. I was under the impression that the ends of the flame gate would act like walls and the troops would be able to pass between but apparently that is not the case.
  6. Here are some screenshots:

    In this one the brute is walking between the top end of the flame gate:


    In this one troops are walking between on both ends of the flame gate:

  7. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    I can also confirm this happens. The way Flame Gates interact with adjacent walls suggest that the gap between the gate and wall block should be un-pathable for both in-line and perpendicular walls.
    @Lynsey [Midoki]
  8. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    We're looking into this at the moment - at the moment the flame gates are designed to only 'attach' to wall pieces that are placed inline with the gate, rather than perpendicular pieces. Unfortunately the visuals suggest otherwise, which leads to troops looking like they're squeezing their way through a tiny gap.
  9. ElGordo

    ElGordo First Mate

    the walls "think" the flame gate heads are walls
    and try "to shaking hands"....
  10. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    I think it'd be nice to have them also attach perpendicularly. Why not eh.
  11. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Tried that... Troops walk right thru without the flames touching the troops, and using the gates fuel all up.... No effect on troops

    That test was a bust
  12. Floki

    Floki Captain

    They Clean well but only if used where there is no choice but to walk through if there is a way around the troops will take it so really its placement.

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