For those that Missed it- Quote From Chris@Midoki

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Burnz, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    I'm at a whopping 2,800 right now. Got all the BP upgrades though so everything from now on until the update is just gravy :D
  2. Virus

    Virus First Mate

    Dont mind if there will be an Apple / Android sync. Just waiting for new content
  3. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I'm not convinced there will be a new Acad 7 with this. Hiring times are already way too high. Also, there is a very real imbalance in how much BP players get. Take two people sailing to an identical target the same number of times, and one will get 5,000 BP, while the other will get 500. There are lots of people who can't even begin to afford Acad5/6 or Mystics because of that imbalance. Add to that, they just cut the BP output from 3*-4* Fish by ~50%, and 30k will pretty much be an impossible goal for many people.

    Instead, I could see some major changes to existing skills, and perhaps changes to make all the useless troops a bit more useful.
    Tex likes this.
  4. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    I don't think there will be another Academy level in THIS update, I was more stating IF they come out with one. Actually I don't think the 5k and 15k cost are that high. You actually have to work a little for it and I'm guessing most people complaining are doing so because they think it should only take 1 day or just casually play. And you could just skip the whole thing and buy Gems, but if your active it doesn't take that long. Even with the randomness of the Exploration rewards you can still accrue a decent amount in time. They may also not want to BP farm like some of us did to speed up the process as they feel this isn't in "The spirit of the game". I'm taking a "Casual" approach to my second account and already have the 5k upgrade and almost halfway to the 15k upgrade after building 2 Mystic Mortars on PH6. It just takes time and I feel alot of people get impatient with it and want it now.
  5. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    That impatience is true in some cases, but not everyone. I have people in my guild who fished as much, or more than me, and they're consistently either 1. not getting BP at all, or 2. getting the bare minimum (sometimes, much lower than I've ever seen that fish give). Many players from other guilds have seen the same thing.

    Just like some people get the Festive Fish, and others don't, some people are simply not getting nearly enough BP from fish/serpent battles to build things. For example, it took me two weeks of 1-2 fishes/day to get 19k for Acad6 and a MM2. Other members chased the same fishes with the same frequency for over a month, and couldn't even get the 7,500 for Acad5.

    There is an actual problem here.
  6. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    I'd imagine the upgrade times will continue to stretch out. But all it takes is a few more gems to shorten them. Pirates and piratesses, either remain patient or prepare to get out your CC
  7. Tuckyno

    Tuckyno First Mate

  8. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I like the new avatar @Black-ish Beard !
  9. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I'm going to bite the bullet and max all storages now, just in case.
    Hate to be left in the cold waiting for upgrades while all the cool kids have fun.
  10. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    I plundered it like a good pirate.
    It reminded me of a South Park I made it mine.

    Wait, does that mean you didn't like my old avatar? Them's fighting words! :eek:
  11. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    @Kelani. Whoohooo! See, whining works! :) They are listening. :cool:
    Kelani likes this.
  12. Pop

    Pop Powder Monkey

    Can an admin comment on the BP needed for AC8, would be nice to know how much to farm
  13. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Kelani likes this.
  14. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

  15. CyborgGR

    CyborgGR First Mate

    It may be as expensive as hell! I don't care. I only hope it doesn't take 30 days to build...
  16. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    I'm completely over it at this point. I loved this game as much as any other I've played but sadly I may be done. I mean come on, this long for PH 8? I've been maxed for almost 2 months now (will be 3 by the time the update comes) and then what; I play again for a few weeks only to be maxed again so I can wait another 2 months for PH9?
  17. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I sympathize. That's why I pitched a superguild idea, thinking a run to the top might give some entertainment in the short term. Fortunately, I haven't been maxed for two months, but for maybe a month I've just been plucking away at max walls and collectors. Trigger the yawn. I think they definitely need to add more levels, but, quite frankly, they need more content than just levels to keep interest. I like the map, but when voyages reach to 20+ hours, who cares? They need to look at Samurai Siege, which gives you plenty of things to do between long builds. And my troops take 1.5 hours to recruit! That's insane. War will help for sure, but my guess is we are like 6 months away from that.
  18. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Exactly. No wars, no events, no new content say the game has gotten stale would be a gross understatement. Its become unplayable. Very sad.
  19. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    Don't get me wrong, I want the update as bad as everybody else, cuz I don't want anymore people working on their bone walls.;) But I think we have to credit Midoki with creating a really fun game (addicting), which I'm sure they didn't think people would devour the content as quickly as a lot of us have. I personally have been playing since late September and I still have all my resource buildings to upgrade another level. I'm grateful that I was able to max everything that is truly important in this game as quickly as I have cuz Midoki could have really screwed us by limiting loot and making buildings take longer to build. That would not have been any fun. In the next update, if its just another PH level, is it really going to be any different than being a maxed PH7? To me, it is just another carrot to chase for a few weeks.

    I get most of what you are saying, but the game has only been out for 4 months, it takes a while to create new content, I would rather have quality content over quickly produced, bug infested content. What I don't get is why it is unplayable now, cuz the main concept of the game hasn't changed?
    Daddy P and Tikigirl like this.
  20. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Agreed. I guess its a product of being an early adopter. Someone with a maxed base for one or two months and a cleared map, you have to admit, though, it would get kinda boring. I've still got a few places to put my resources, but in a couple of weeks, I will have nothing to do but just sit there and admire how pretty my base is or rank run. I'll probably do the latter, which will help train me for war.

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