General Improvements!

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by One-Eyed Willy, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    1. Increase the amount of time to prepare for a battle before the action starts.
    2. If no troops are deployed and the timer reaches zero and the battle begins, there should be no loss of rank if the attacker opts out of the action.
    3. Blacksmith (and other guild perk buildings) should read how long of a cool down is left before funds can start up again.
    4. Mines should be upgradable. (Perhaps they are already and I am unaware)
    5. Deploying troops with multi-touch should be possible. (Deploying pirates of the same class simultaneously at two different locations)
    6. Donate Gold and Grog to the guild hall for safe-keeping and as a reservoir for certain guild perks.
    7. Ability to view players' village from the guild chat menu directly.
    8. Collectors and storages should bear a different graphic when near-empty or near-full.
    9. Guild perk fundraising should reveal who are the active and non-active benefactors.
    10. When reviewing a player's base in preparation of a revenge, one should have the ability to tap on a defense and view it's level without basing judgement merely on the graphic.
    11. When searching for a Rival Captain a graphic showing what troops you have brought out to sea with you would serve as a helpful reminder before attacking.
    12. Ability to monitor which guild members have been active. (An easy method for this would for users to visit guild members' bases and tap on a collector to see if it has been collected recently or not, also notice of guild perk funding would serve a similar duty)
    Great game, I hope someone choses to implement these modifications.

    Thanks for hearing me out!
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
  2. I APPY I

    I APPY I Crew

    If only there was a way to quadruple LIKE the above...excellent points specially the raiding side!!!
  3. I APPY I

    I APPY I Crew

    And PLEASE create global chat this forum is steadily taking a dive....or another ingenious way to recruit...I hit new posts and 90% are recruitment pages!!!
  4. Razor

    Razor Crew

    Love all these idea!
  5. Kit

    Kit First Mate

    Totally agree with this. Is there a way to mute the recruitment threads?
  6. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Thanks for the feedback and support mates!
  7. Kit

    Kit First Mate

    What exactly do yo mean with #4, that mines should be upgradeable?
  8. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    The defensive mine should be able to be upgraded to be stronger against more resilient foes. Perhaps I have not progressed far enough into the game to see hat the mine gets stronger.
  9. Kit

    Kit First Mate

    Oh, those mines, of course. Totally agree. My brain was set on the gold mines. :)
  10. Ombit

    Ombit Crew

    All great ideas and a well thought out post!

    Can I add one?

    What I find very frustrating is that the mines need to be bought every time. I'm in a scenario where several mines have been triggered on an unsuccessful raid but all my builders are busy! I therefore can't get my defence back up until the builders have finished and I'm without a shield!

    Can we not have a re-arm function a la Clash? I know we need to keep it different, but this is irritating and will only get worse as upgrades take longer.

  11. booty plunderena

    booty plunderena Powder Monkey

    I would also like to be able to read the black banners that come across the bottom of the screen with the helpful tips.....they don't stay long enough for me to read all of it..a few more seconds would be sufficient, or maybe an icon you can hit when you're done reading! All great ideas though! :)
    One-Eyed Willy likes this.
  12. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Haha, I have thought to myself it to be slightly bothersome when I am halfway reading a tip and it disappears. I don't know of a good remedy for this because it would be impractical to prolong wait times for the user to read a tip they may not be interested in to begin with. However maybe a section within the app where users can browse the helpful tips could be implemented.
    booty plunderena likes this.
  13. booty plunderena

    booty plunderena Powder Monkey

    That's an even better idea! I agree, some of the tips i find i don't really need, but there have been a couple that have helped a lot...that's a great idea to maybe have a place they could just post them for later review if you wanted.
  14. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Thanks for the feedback, I have sent you a private message of a more personal concern.
  15. Ombit

    Ombit Crew

    Oooh pirate dating!
  16. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    My bonny lass is the ocean, mate! Her curvy tides, and her sweet sweet scent are all I be needin' for now!
    Ombit likes this.
  17. Ombit

    Ombit Crew

    Very good!
  18. Alkaline

    Alkaline Powder Monkey

    All excellent ideas, a few of which I have been wanting for a while.
  19. JeffieTD

    JeffieTD Powder Monkey

    Definitely! And it's most likely on their list of things to do too.

    Yep, should have this. This is something that I use all the time in Boom Beach (even though it only works in scout mode).
  20. I APPY I

    I APPY I Crew

    Does anyone know if when u upgrade the blacksmith does the boost effect your whole guild?

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