Glitches and Christmas List

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by Daddy P, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    1. Juggs quit frequently. They just stop doing anything. Same for others in the Guild. Really frustrating. I've almost quit using them.

    2. Oh, the dropped chats! You type and nothing shows up. Reboot the game and there they are! As well as other chats from people I didn't see before. Again, same for others in my Guild. People who don't know to reboot just type their message several times until it pops up. And we see multiples.

    3. Inconsistent replays. Very high percentage of time the replay shows something very different from the actual battle.

    4. Not a glitch, but when are we going to be able to donate pirates to each other?????? Hold them in the Guild building and let them defend. Greatly increases member activity.

    5. Need to be able to track members perk donations. Without that or troop donations, all we have is chat to determine activity of members.

    6. It would be very helpful if there was an indicator of how much loot was in collectors versus storages. Clash of Clans has meter bottles on pumps and drills and gold boxes on mines. I know the Gold storage lids will prop open as they get full but not very helpful most of the time.

    7. Increase chat capacity to 100, please!!! Very hard to follow threads and miss a lot with only 30.

    8. Need to be able to send messages to members other than "message of the day", which no one looks at.

    9. Need co-captains.

    10. Dang fine game otherwise.
  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    1) it's being fixed. Probably in the next update.
    2) also being worked on. Many times if you go to the exploration map. Or restart the app the text appears.
    3) this is being worked on too.
    4) they are working on a guild system to donate pirates and guild wars in some form.
    5) this is also being worked on.
    6) I'd like this too. It would help in raiding.
    7) like #6 it's been suggested and I hope it happens.
    8) That's a hoped addition too. It'd been suggested.
    9) the first mate is the co-captaim. They are probably adding a quarter master rank and are going to change the rules for each rank making them more practical.
    10) dang fine game indeed. Lol
  3. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Same here
  4. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    3. Inconsistent replays. Very high percentage of time the replay shows something very different from the actual battle.

    4. Not a glitch, but when are we going to be able to donate pirates to each other?????? Hold them in the Guild building and let them defend. Greatly increases member activity.

    5. Need to be able to track members perk donations. Without that or troop donations, all we have is chat to determine activity of members.

    6. It would be very helpful if there was an indicator of how much loot was in collectors versus storages. Clash of Clans has meter bottles on pumps and drills and gold boxes on mines. I know the Gold storage lids will prop open as they get full but not very helpful most of the time.

    10. Dang fine game otherwise.[/QUOTE]

    ! Yes, thanks for keeping these on the burner.
  5. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    Does everyone really want to have to donate troops / have troops in the Guild Hall? While it would be another feature, its nice not having to worry about troops popping out of there with how few troops we use in an attack.

    Everything else is cool tho and

    Bear likes this.
  6. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I actually like troop donations in CLash and most clanmates donate enthusiastically if not compete. Plus, the attacking is really out of balance right now. I am almost maxed PH6, stay between 100-200 rank and simply destroy people for 500k each. It really needs to be more challenging, and defensive troops might help that.

    One I forgot to mention above is PLEASE ADD ISLAND REDESIGN FEATURE!!!! Redesigning is PAINFUL! :eek:
  7. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    And they are adding an island edit mode.
  8. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Gangrene Beard and Bear like this.
  9. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    Yes it is unbalanced right now. I'm trying to rank up to help my guild, but am not always successful at attacking yet, and then I get crushed over and over again by the likes of Daddy P. Having Guild troops to either help you fight or defend would be nice, but then again, I'm finally just being able to win some battles, so I guess if the island I'm attacking had guild troop, I'd be back to losing all the time again...:-/
  10. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    If you want more of a challenge, then rank up!
  11. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It's completely pointless to rank up right now. The only benefit is bragging rights.
    Daddy P likes this.
  12. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    Or the challenge. I do hear ya. I think about dumping rank but my guild wanted to get into the top 200. We were really close but I don't think it's likely now.
  13. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    I do as well. Being one of the few with maxed troops, I always give out the good ones cuz I remember the days when the higher-ups gave me the good ones and they would tear up bases. I didn't mean to come across as if the act of donating was a problem.

    Just to compare Clash with PP as far as troops are concerned at maxed levels, a TH10 has 240 troop spaces with 35 in the cc so basically 1 cc troop per 6.857 army camp spaces (troops). In PP, I know the tavern before maxed holds 60 spaces, so going to guess that at max it is 70. So if we keep the same ratio as in clash, thats going to be 10 extra troops which isn't much, but could greatly destroy any attacking army, especially if attackers use defense targeting troops.

    Also, luring would be extremely costly, since each troop deployed would be like sending out 6.857 troops(in clash). It's nearly impossible to lure a CC with a few troops and I feel it would be the same here, just near impossible. Say you send 21 troops at a CC in Clash, you have a great chance to get them all out of there. With the ratio I gave earlier, in PP, we could only send three, which would most likely be shot dead before getting a couple out. We would pretty much just have to attack normally and hope that they don't have troops in their Guild Hall.

    If you are finding bases between 100-200 to easy, like others have said, move up a lot, Im sure there are harder bases the higher you go, just don't go near 500, I hear its a loot dessert. Right now you are farming bases that can't defend your troops, cuz I am in that same zone and I rarely see a the types of bases that can handle near max PH6 troops.

    I hope you don't think I am attacking you, just sharing a different view.

    Oh Man, I hope they do too. I have been putting off changing my base for a while know.
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  14. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Thanks for everyone's comments. Here's the thing, I don't know why anyone goes above 200 rank when there is no penalty for pirate hall level difference. Every battle I get 500k each at least. It's all about the uprgrading. Once you're maxed, then you focus on rank. While its great for me to be able to get that much in easy battles, it sux when you haven't leveled up yet. Before I leveled up, I got hit for 500k all the time by monsters and it took me multiple battles to recoup. Hence the need for troops to defend. The alternative is to implement a loot penalty system like clash (based on pirate hall levels), which seems much more fair but frustrated clashers. Just next a few times under 200 rank and you will find player after player with maxed or nearly maxed ph6 and 7. There is a reason for that many players playing low--out of balance. I'm enjoying the fruits now, but I see the need for adjustment (just hope I get my upgrades in first :p). My point about needing to be more challenging is that it needs to be more challenging to get that much loot. But if that much loot can be gotten at lower rank with easier battles (some taking only a few troops), I'd be an idiot to rise up.
  15. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Exactly. You need to force the monsters above 200 rank, which would protect the lower levels. They either need the extra benefit of defense troops or there needs to be a loot penalty for, for example, a ph 7 hitting a ph 5. As far as not winning battles, you can stay at rank 1 and still get good loot.
  16. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    I feel pretty much the same way with what you have said here. I just hope that however PP institutes the loot penalty, it doesn't make farming a chore like it is in clash. I also hope that that whenever it does happen, like you, mine are finished.
  17. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Bear and Burnz, I checked out your bases. Very nice. Bear, just curious, do your resources out front get taken much? Or do your defenses annihilate? My PH is going to 7 and I'm looking for a good design. I'm curious how effective the pounder is.
  18. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    The pounder is great and covers all of my storages. Also both mortars and all 3 bunkers. Plus a couple canons. So some gets taken. But not a lot. I designed my base to get the most action from the pounder.
  19. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I agree. I quit Clash after two years. With all the loot changes and removal of abandoned bases, it seems all the developers wanted were gemmers. And the war component changed the dynamic drastically. I'd rather them not introduce wars in PP.
  20. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    LOL look at top players base. JsZhao. Think he's quit?

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