Guild Accomplishments/Achievements

Discussion in 'Guild Improvements' started by One-Eyed Willy, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    There are many pirates here on the treacherous waters of the Midoki current who care little for rank. Massive plunder is what they seek, i mean hey that's the name of the game!

    I feel as though there should be different standards that set apart each guild, not just a leaderboard where guilds compete for the highest rank amongst their members.

    Instead of this minimalistic and boring method of distinguishing a guild's relevance, activeness, and accomplishments there could be new methods to distinguish a guild's worth.

    I for one have always entreated the addition of guild achievements. This would be a fun way for guild members to cooperate together in order to pursue community goals.

    What about having a "Guild Level" where the perk buildings have a greater effect each "Guild Level" that is attained? For example a "Guild Level 2" would increase the Perk Buildings affect by 1%, so on and so forth. A guild's level could be increased by either checking off certain achievements or amounting a certain amount of gold/grog that could be donated to the Guild Hall itself. Reaching a certain donation threshold would increase the level of the guild. In lieu of donations, perhaps guild member activity could be considered, i.e. individual member's attack/defense wins.

    In addition to my thoughts on achievements, perhaps there could be achievements that would incorporate Pirate Stronghold Raids (Boss Level) where x amount of guild members attack a stronghold simultaneously.

    Feedback is appreciated.

    Happy Plundering.
  2. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I'm all for it, but I'm wondering if this is already planned in some way with the guild events that Were hinted to. In lieu of that I'd be interested in this for two main reasons:
    1. Guild unity
    2. Easily identifyng who is still playing and who is only tapping resource generators.

    So maybe a much larger exploration map that the whole guild traverses and battles in with guild challenges, strongholds, etc. this could also tie-in to the guild v. guild sea battles I've written about before too. :)
  3. Wonder how much code this game would need to have a real sea battle thats good like on Pc pirate games. Will I then be able to pimp out my ship or would it be standard ships like we all have? Lot of work for devs. My ship on other game has over 1200 parts to it and upgrades and buffs seems a lot for an ipad game to handle and do it well ,but hey would be cool guild raids parleys open sea pvp battles i miss Pirate Storm death and honor brb got to go sink some players for giggles.:)
    Captain Hakjka likes this.
  4. Yes more challenges is what we need!
  5. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Great ideas. But the challenges also need to be balanced in a way that even guilds with lower rank/level players can be competitive. The challenges should encourage players and guilds to be active as a team.
  6. I think this game should encourage people to gain the highest rank possible for them! Thats competition!
  7. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I think guild level is a great idea, but I don't think it should all be by donating gold and grog. Let levels be gained by certain % of guild mates getting 50% on the map. Guild getting x amount of successful raids. ( could increase for each different levels). X number of successful defenses. X grog/gold looted by guild. Average PH lvl being 5 then 6 then 7. X number of members with kraken statues. X number of members with the golden pirate statue. All members having stonemason/Observatory/blacksmith
  8. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    Guild wars!!! ;)
  9. LYM

    LYM Captain

    guild wars would be good, but in the mean time could we have the ability to set a status for other guilds such as friendly hostile neutral. It be great if once you have set another guild to hostile when plundering a fight and a hostile shows the status shows red for example.
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  10. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    I totally agree, guild = team and to create events that will need guildies to work together would be great.
    Guild quests, guild attacks, guild wars, guild trading, guild island testing,guild guild guild hehe
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  11. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Lol... fisheye. I like how you think! But I do feel obligated to speak up for the little guy. Yes, dog eat dog, may the strongest survive is ok with me too :D
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I think if the achievements were like I listed it gives small guilds or guilds with newer players in it something to shoot for. It's motivation to grow and enjoy the game more as a group.
  13. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Exactly. Matchmaking is a huge undertaking and before guild wars is implemented a proper system of ranking the guilds needs to be in place. Matchmaking also won't be as effective until there is a VERY large number of guilds.
    Guild rank should also be weighted towards the mode and not the mean(most occurring levels not average)
    I'm worried about how this could effect the matchmaking system. Imagine if the top 10 guilds all changed to friendly status with one another, it creates a 500 person faction that is virtually untouchable and can't be matched properly.
    Kelani likes this.
  14. Will never happen here l will be shocked if guild wars out any time soon,and in other game set limits to allies was ez fix.
  15. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    we're all pirates are we not? why are we talking about what's fair?

    Guild Wars!! :)
  16. LYM

    LYM Captain

    Guild wars will have to happen, let's hope developers talk with thier customers.

    But I wouldn't say clash does it very well.
  17. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    Clan Wars was the best thing to happen in Clash!
    Actually it's the only reason I still play...long upgrades and boring walls broke me but warring and chatting with my clan is the only thing that keeps it fun.

    Guild Wars!!

    (can you see it's gonna be hard to change my opinion) :)
    Captain Hakjka likes this.
  18. LYM

    LYM Captain

    my gf plays clash townhall, 9 she is battling through the 3mill pieces of wall. she wont upgrade until she has maxed the base at TH9.

    I can see the pain she is going through, and for those lightning thiefs on her dark E. Don't! cause she will hunt you down.

    Anyway happy plundering.
  19. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    Wondering where your gold is? BRITISH BULLDOGS achieve 1billion gold coins stolen. congratulations Crew :)

    Very proud captain, and to keep in context of the thread it would be nice to see it as a guild achievement, we did it as a team after all, perhaps viewable by people considering joining and perhaps a reward to the guild members extra hp for the guild hall.
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  20. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    *notes guild name*

    we'll be visiting your stash asap Hakjka...thanks for storing it for us :)

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