Guild base

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Steve, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Steve

    Steve Powder Monkey

    Can we have something more to guilds than just advantages? Like maybe wars, or raids?

    Here's one idea... A guild base! Each member, or each selected member has the ability to create part of the base, or contribute to it. BIG bases, representing the guilds teamwork.

    Or maybe multiple guild bases, with teams of 10 within the guild, per base. The main base would be lead by the guild leader.

    The otherwise would ofcourse be attacking or defending in one big raid or sequences of raids/attacks

    I know this could be hard to program and define, but think about the MONEY
  2. GetRekked

    GetRekked Crew

    I would love to see guild wars/raids, it would add a whole new aspect to the game that I'd love. People would be actively discussing about the war/raid, giving each other strategies for certain bases and giving advice to peoples bases. Especially if the reward for winning a guild war/raid is high, there will be a lot of motivation to build the best defensive base and use the best attack strategy. The guild base is actually a great idea, this of course being completely new in games like this one, but it would be hard to manage with a 50 player guild, especially if not all the members are reliable.

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