Guild Chat Update

Discussion in 'Guild Improvements' started by Admin [Midoki], Jul 18, 2014.

  1. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    With the guild chat being all important for communication between Captains, here's a sneak peak at the improvements we're currently working on for the next update of Plunder Pirates.
    We've listened to the feedback here and on Facebook, so take a look at what we have planned.

    Key features for the update are:
    • Clearer timeline - Player names and time since message was posted are now highlighted in red. The Guild member's rank within the Guild is also shown.
    • Message linking - If a single Guild member posts multiple messages without interruption, all the messages will be gathered together into a single post.
    • Guild messages - Within the timeline, information related to the Guild will be automatically posted. This could be a player sending a join request, leaving, or even getting booted! With a different visual style they stand out from the general conversation.
    • Share a replay - Did you unleash the ultimate humiliation? Well from the Log book you can now share that replay and have it posted to the Guild chat. The button on the post will take other Guild members directly to that replay so they can witness the spectacle.
    • Request Perk funds - With the perk buildings being an all important part of Guild life, top ranking Guild members can now request funds in the Guild chat; the current fund level is also displayed. The button on the post will take other Guild members directly to the fund screen allowing them to easily contribute.
    • Guild Chat in Exploration - The conversation never stops now as the Guild chat window can be accessed from both the island and the exploration screens.
    • Swipe - Didn't like tapping on the Guild chat button? Well you can now swipe your finger to drag the window open and closed.
    As always, if there's something you think we have missed, or more improvements that could be made then just let us know. This Guild chat update, along with numerous other additions and improvements, is planned to be with you in the next few weeks.

    Dario Viva likes this.
  2. Gelardi

    Gelardi Powder Monkey

    Looks great and like a real improvement over the current system :) Very nice !
  3. Covert Ops

    Covert Ops Powder Monkey

    Agreed, looks so much better. Keep up the good work!

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