Guild kicks

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by Withergy, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Withergy

    Withergy Powder Monkey

    Can anyone help, someone in our guild has kicked the majority of the players.
    Is there a way to find out who and if possible re-instate those that were kicked maliciously?

    Would appreciate help.

    Guild is 'Who-vians' was full, before, now down to 10/50 :-(
  2. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    Unfortunately not at the moment, you are going to have to hope people find their way back. We are adding a lot more Guild functionality in the future to help you identify the trouble makers.
    Kelani, pwrovryou and Gangrene Beard like this.
  3. Withergy

    Withergy Powder Monkey

    Chris, thanks so much for the quick response, is there no way to message the ones that were kicked??
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Not yet
  5. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I'm really excited by this feature
  6. Withergy

    Withergy Powder Monkey

    Chris, I have a problem, people are starting to return but I have no idea who is the culprit so they can in theory just kick anyone that re-joins!!
  7. ElGordo

    ElGordo First Mate

    The only solution: one captain, rest cabin boys untill we have the guild feature upgrade.
  8. Withergy

    Withergy Powder Monkey

    That is really not a good solution (just gonna upset the small remainder of the Guild) and a fairly large flaw in the whole guild setup, would hope that is resolved pretty soon.
  9. Glad to hear devs and admins aware of the need. Ty matey.... And really have everybody same rank in mean time not a bad idea i mean a good group will not mind that for safety of guild it's just rank players know who is good and helpful to guild rank or no rank...lead by example:) for betterment of guild most would have no problem with it till they fix guild rights and random kickers from a guild.
  10. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    @Withergy It is a huge flaw. So until it's fixed, you can annoy your crew by leaving them all cabin boys, or, you can start being very careful about promotions. I've never had this problem, and am 100% positive I never will and I suspect it's partly because I did these things:

    Over the next two weeks, monitor member chat, and do these things:

    1. See who's always active, and who's friendly to all your other members
    2. See who frequently answers member questions about the game. (test this by asking a fewquestions yourself. See who takes the time to answer. Bonus points if it looks like they put some thought into the answer (like this one from me!)
    3. When a perk needs funding, share it in chat, and if someone maxes it out and comments on it, remember that person.
    4. DON'T Promote anyone who asks for a promotion, especially if they do so repeatedly. I make it very clear in my guild: Don't ask. If you deserve it, you'll get it. If anyone has a problem with that, or wants to argue about it, I'd kick them. They clearly don't respect your guild rules, and are the kind of people who do these mass kicks you just experienced. . You don't want these people in your guild, let alone in your crew.
    5. Consider allowing guild members to nominate other members for promotion. If everyone agrees a member is worthy of promotion, it's a good bet they probably are. Always go with your gut though, and veto anyone you aren't absolutely sure of.
    6. After you get some trusted crew, ask their opinion before promoting anyone you don't know. They may have seen a side of that person that you missed.
    7. If you ever see someone being unstable, erratic, rude to others, or your gut says "he ain't right" Don't promote that person. Ever.
    8. Tell your crew they can accept or reject new members, but may not kick/demote anyone. Make that clear.

    Keep track of those things, and eventually, you will see who's interested in advancing the guild's interests, and who's out for themselves. Above all, don't promote people just to keep them happy. Tell them the guild system is flawed, and that currently, there is absolutely no benefit to promotions other than the smiley skull face.

    To protect yourself in the future, I'd advise setting up a forum or chatroom that your members can use as an "emergency meeting place" Many of us created a free forum at but there's also ones where you can create a free chatroom. Either works.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2014
  11. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Same rules I've followed for awhile now, @Kelani good tip. Something else - it also works for the real world of you're in management. :)
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I dub thee @Kelani official [read unofficial] Plunder Pirates Guild Guru.
    Kelani and Gangrene Beard like this.
  13. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    @Bear Thank you, sir! I like that title much better than: That weird cat guy who really wants guild changes right blanking now. :p

    @Gangrene Beard Oh, definitely, but I'd never last in management. Guild downsizing is so much easier; you don't have to think about a member's wide-eyed kids going hungry after you kick them :(
  14. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    My wife says it best. You don't fire anyone as a manager, you show them how they fired themselves.
    holashorty and Kelani like this.
  15. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Wow. Glad I don't work for your wife :D Out of curiosity, ask her how she'd handle firing a guy with this sitting on his desk:


    Pweeeeze don't fi-wer my daddy! It's so close to Kismas! :(
  16. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    "I'm not sweetie, your father decided he'd rather play on his phone than put food on your table."
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  17. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Wow. She's good. :eek:
  18. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    The best :)
  19. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Hahaha. Yup. I enjoyed firing people. Because usually it was because they were failing at their job so bad it was infuriating.
  20. What does your wife say if you come home a hour late? (Or should we make a thread on this called: What would Gangrene Beards wife say if..):D
    Bear likes this.

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