Guild name when attacking

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Bones Harmon, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. It would be nice to see the name of the guild - along with the name of the person - when attacking, hitting "next."

    Disclaimers as follows
    *more disclaimers may be added in the future
    *I'm JOKING when I say things like "your island shall be crushed" (this should be obvious)
    *if you're under the age of thirty, just go find a different thread and post something there
    *I scanned the first page of "Battle Improvements" before posting this (no, I will not search the entire forum for something resembling my own idea/request)
    *yes, Midoki works hard (and I appreciate it and I'm having fun)
    *yes, my idea will be implemented in the future if ever there is such a thing as "Guild Wars"
    *if it were 1955 most of us would be building model railroads and yelling at the neighbor kids to get off our lawn

    *it would be easier and more fun to have alliances and friendly rivalries if we could see the name of the guild when we attack.

    *yes, this idea is probably scattered throughout the forum (and lost to to the sandy beaches of time (so what's your point?)

    *I'm sure you're cooler than me or more serious than me or more fun than me or have a better life than me

    *Green Bay beat Dallas and that makes me happy
    Captain Harlock and Burnz like this.
  2. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    I'd agree with this, and also to see the guild when we view a person from the log, for all those guild jumpers.
    Kelani likes this.
  3. Adding it to the masterlist!
  4. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Shoot I still do that :)
    Bones Harmon likes this.
  5. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    Surprisingly I don't think this is much of a problem, the most active here are at least over 21.
  6. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I love that your disclaimers are longer than your post :)
  7. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    That just happens as you age.
    Oh, not an analogy, eh?
  8. Thanks for reminding me i'm the youngster here.. ;)
  9. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    Sometimes being on the bottom is a good thing :rolleyes:...............
  10. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

  11. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I really want this. We have several feeder/lower level guilds, and I want to make sure I don't farm any of our members :c

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