Guild ship pirate request - Ask kind and minimum lvl

Discussion in 'Guild Improvements' started by Kamikazemug, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Within our guild we are acting (most of the time) like civil people. I hardly ever don't get the requested pirate type, and almost always even above the upgraded level that i have asked (for the special abilities (seems a bit, picky but above lvl 850 it does make a HUGE difference if you have lvl 1 Or lvl max units donated to you)

    To Me it would be a Great improvement if you could do Some sort of pre-selection on the units you request. A fellow pirates would then recieve a screen with you wish list (and Please make it so that the request can be stored locally on you device so you do not have to give it in Every time again :(

    Mock up of the screen you fellow pirate could see (and press on the pirates image to donate)

    Ebow, Cap'nSmellyBeard and Raptelan like this.
  2. Beck [Midoki]

    Beck [Midoki] Designer Staff Member

    Thanks for the suggestion!
  3. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Still feel that this is a option that should have (at minimum) seen some sort of feedback from the community. When battling at high levels receiving nutmeg you favorite ( extra) units can help you drive those max out ph9 islands over the rim... :D
    Skye likes this.
  4. Beck [Midoki]

    Beck [Midoki] Designer Staff Member

    What do other players feel about this idea?
  5. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    I like the idea :) - as long as the levels aren't fixed to only what you have! ;)
    1. Sometimes a speedy fill up is preferable - so set to lower/any.
    2. Less well developed players love to be able experience 'maxed' pirates.
  6. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

  7. Cap'nSmellyBeard

    Cap'nSmellyBeard First Mate

    +1 i like the idea
  8. SitFlyer_

    SitFlyer_ Crew

    -1 better communication is the solution and there is already a means for that.
  9. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    It would be neat, I'm not opposed to it, but I think a better solution would be just to show who gave you which pirate/which level, and properly communicate like sitflyer said.

    Then you could know who was filling you with the wrong pirate when you asked for one, and discuss it with them. It would also probably be much easier to implement. Showing one text box is a lot easier than introducing a complicated pirate-selection system. If someone is regularly giving the wrong pirate, the captain would reprimand them.
    SitFlyer_, peg-brain bob and Fil like this.
  10. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    +1 to this too.
  11. Patron

    Patron Crew

    Possibly have a minimum level set for each pirate. For example we have one maxed player in our guild who always types "level 29 gunners and up" when he requests. Maybe set it so u could only donate if your gunners are 29 and up for example. Just a thought, and i dont have any idea on the difficulty of adding this to the game.
  12. Ebow

    Ebow Crew

    Good idea!
  13. Jonesy

    Jonesy Crew

    I'd rather the game autosave your request message (like another game I used to play).

    ie, player types "Lvl 29+ gunners plz, tyia". The next time he/she requests, that is the default message that populates in the request. I don't think there is any need for a complex request 'system' that will only allow you to receive x pirates of xx level.

    Although, it would be nice to see who donated what to you, similar to the 'Backers' button of the guild perks (which I didn't know existed until today).
  14. I use the this line with my kids. "You get what you get and you don't get upset". Guild communications is key. -1 but plus one for knowing who to thank feature.
    Ian and Cap'nSmellyBeard like this.
  15. Morganza

    Morganza Powder Monkey

    +1 to Jonesy's suggestion on saving the request message, with a button to reset it to default (or if fancy different saved messages, I.e. One canned message for pre-streak, rumble, plundering...)

    And on a much grander scale, how about a guild hiring hall? That would help a lot for guilds where members play in divergent time zones. A communal tavern where people can send pirates to raise a mug of grog, and where people can entice pirates to join their guild ships. Pirates would get bored and wander off if not given a ship to sail on within 3 days of when they are donated, so those level 1 Buccaneers wouldn't clog the party forever.

    Then it's my choice what to fill my ship with.
  16. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    After re-reading my post and the suggestions I do like the additions.
    +1 for seeing who donated the Pirates (easy to thank and to reprimand)
    +1 for the "save my request text". Also for the perk findings it would be great if this was saved!!!

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