Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Ultimate Sea Dog, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Hi everyone!
    Yesterday I dreamt of this: A guild War feature.
    Basically, each guild would have its own island (starts at PH1, and you can upgrade it like your own base)
    Each member can contribute up to 25% of his/her max storage to the base, apart from the collectors (no attacking on the base). Only the Captain can upgrade the buildings. As for Builders, well, everyone could pool gems.
    During a Guild War, all players get to contribute 5 slots to a pooled army. This is on, say, Day 1. I will call this preparation day.
    The next day is Battle Day. When the captain gives the signal to attack, each player can use the pooled army 3 times to attack an enemy guild's base. (The pooled army is predetermined from the Preparation Day)
    Last Day, Day 3 is Results Day. The winner gets 2m grog/gold, 60 gems, and 1000 BP for each member, 2nd place 1m Gold/grog, and 200BP, third 500k and 100BP and 4th/5th gets 50EP.

    How's that? Oh yes, forgot to mention that the pooled army only applies to players that have built a perk,called "Guild Tavern". L2 gets 10 slots to donate, and L3 gets 15 (max)
    Skye likes this.

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