Guild wars

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Bad Boy, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Bad Boy

    Bad Boy Powder Monkey

    Just an idea, but.

    Would be cool if guilds could challenge other guilds to a war system. In which both guilds would agree to a set number of raid victories an equall amount of resources for the victor and a set duration for said war. And the first guild to reach said number of victories would be the winner of the war. With the winning guild being rewarded with said resources agreed upon by both guilds and some sort of war guild leader board ranking.

    Both guilds when in war system would be able to exclusively raid only the opponent guild.
    Regular individual raid losses would still be present.
    Option for a guild to surrender would be available.

    Could think of heaps more stuff.

    Any thoughts things to add are welcome.
  2. Razor

    Razor Crew

    How about there being an island with your guild on one side and the enemy guild on the other side and there would be NPC villages in the middle that you have to raid and they can be only raided one time, then the guild with the most successful raids wins.
  3. Bad Boy

    Bad Boy Powder Monkey

    That's a cool idea and a bit different. kind of like a capture the flag arena battle. Would be cool if you had to fight the other guilds pirates or something too though, not just smash npc buildings ftw.

    I like engaging wars tho, where your guild can get together on a teamspeak and plan out who to attack and when and form strategies and such.

    Imagine if everyone in a 50 person guild could calculate and time an attack to each send a few troops to land on an enemy island at the same time and massacre. Wooo lord I can hear the channel cheers already.

    Moar pvp! More fun!
  4. ministic2001

    ministic2001 Powder Monkey

    True.I would love that too!But I guess they also need to add in something like "village edit mode" in your war base.
  5. GetRekked

    GetRekked Crew

    This is a great idea, I think. Really any PvP activity guilds can participate in would be fun. I would also suggest to implement a system that would count guild war (or whatever the guild PvP event will be called) wins and losses and there can be guild achievements earned when winning a certain amount of times where all members of the guild are granted some gems or resources.
  6. zzzzzzzz

    zzzzzzzz Powder Monkey

    i think about the guild war with combination of naval attack system to defend system

    1st - pirate on ship battle against other guild member ship that participate in battle (naval battle)
    2nd - pirate that survive on that naval battle are defending their on island on war battle
  7. Gremlin SP

    Gremlin SP Powder Monkey

    I want a sort of capture the flag type of war for this app. Depending on the level of your PH you have a certain number of flags that you can lose. Lvl 1PH = 1Flag and so on...
    Troops vs Base is the best way to go. 24h duraton and top 25 in guild participate.
    Match system needs to be random based on tiers that you have to graduate into by winning other wars. You activate a search and your matched automatically. No challenges that eventually doesn't work when you prove you are an amazing guild no one will war you.
    Feel free to add and expand.
  8. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    I hope they take a look at Samurai Siege's war system. It's the best. I have high hopes for Pirate Plunder because everything else has been better than any game in its class even SS.
  9. Hi Fricc, we got some exciting times ahead. Midoki recently announced Guild Rumbles, and said there will be more coming. So look to the horizon for exciting things to come!
  10. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    Oh I know it's coming. I just hope they took a look at other games. What was good and what wasn't so good . This game is great. I left both Samurai Siege and Coc
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  11. Ah, okay in that case Yes please! :)

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