Having a Hard Time Placing / Summoning Units

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by BOB FOLY, Nov 20, 2014.


    BOB FOLY Crew

    hello I searched but couldn't find this question.

    I have a hard time placing units, not sure if this is just an issue for me or if I'm just doing something wrong but I can't seem to get my units on the field I tap all over the place (in the water near the edge of the land) not sure if I'm just missing something here.

    It's a problem because sometimes there's too big of a gap between my units or it takes too long to get my WD out and he ends up following the wrong units.

    Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, im not new to these games and I am a PH6 going onto PH7 thought it would get easier over time
  2. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    There shouldn't be a problem really. I would suggest you tap a little further out in the water and let the pirates row in. I realise you want to get them as close to land as possible but if you're playing on the iPhone especially, your finger position may just be slightly on the land.

    BOB FOLY Crew

    Yeah I'm on my phone.. I've been trying the further out thing, once I get them coming out its not a problem to continue.. Thinking I need one of those touch screen stylus deals maybe lol

  4. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    Happens to me too when on my iPhone.

    I've noticed it's easier to place troops if you have the map zoomed in farther than default.

    Finger covers to much area in default and above, and you wind up tapping the beach slightly.
  5. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    There is a small buffer zone above the pirate icons for their power abilities to go. It's a dead zone for dropping pirates. So just zoom in on get the spot you want to drop on higher on your screen.
  6. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    For me, it's not the dead zone above the power abilities, it's what the OP said. The No-Drop zone at the beaches is a bit too close to the water. You get better at this with practice, but when you're rotating an island, trying to get a good look at a drop spot, it's sometimes hard to hit, especially on a narrow strip of water. Those few seconds spent tapping like crazy can make a huge difference in whether you win or lose. I'm affected by this delayed deployment at least 3-4x a day.

    I suggested it before. If you tap too close to the beach, why not have the game catch that and just drop the pirate at the closest allowable drop zone, which should be only a few pixels away in most cases.

    BOB FOLY Crew

    Thanks I'll keep this in mind, and try zooming in a little more
    Bear likes this.

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