"HEAT SEEKING" Juggernaut's

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BOB FOLY, Dec 5, 2014.


    BOB FOLY Crew

    So I'm just wondering what the deal is with the juggernauts they seem to seek out and walk straight for any mines or mystic mines.
    I've seen them walk straight through walls to attack a mine, they walk up the mine explodes and then they stay in their bent over twitching for upto or longer then 5 seconds.

    I'm just wondering if this is intentional or if this is some sort of a glitch and it's going to get fixed one day.

    I am happy that the juggernauts were fixed and don't just stand around and do nothing now.

  2. Alphafox

    Alphafox First Mate

    Each unit in the tavern has a description icon - if you click it it will tell you the specifics of that unit.
    Yes, the juggs go for mines and disarm them - they will run through wall, this is by design. dont put mines behind your walls if you dont want that to happen.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.

    BOB FOLY Crew

    Well I feel dumb lol, I've thought I read all the troops this is one I've never noticed before, thought it was a glitch because they walk threw walls.

    Thanks the question bedn answered pretty much closes this wish I could delete it haha
  4. They can disarm traps/mines, but if they get fired open.. Well you can guess what happens.. Boom! And sometimes they still will finish there twitching and what-ever-they-do, after the trap is exploded.
    And sometimes when not fired open, they actually do there job.. ;)

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