[Heavy Gunner]-Why you should not make Heavy Gunner

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Roserio, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Roserio

    Roserio First Mate

    Heavy Gunner is the upper class unit that you can make from Tavern Lev.6, It's all about being heavy, but is it really heavier than the existing unit, the gunner?

    And it will cost you a lot to prepare to make this unit.
    But is it really worth to invest your rums and golds, to make this character instead of investing to gunners or other units' upgrade?

    How strong will this unit be?
    Will the Heavy gunner be the game changer unit?
    Try to compare with the gunner and check it out yourself!

    This video includes

    - 4 Heavy Gunner deployed at the real battle
    - 10 Heavy Gunners vs 50 Gunners : which is stronger?

    Please "subscribe" to my following channel, for your further update notice for your convenience. More video's to come very soon. :) Please vist the following youtube channel to view more Tips & Strategies
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    Last edited: Oct 30, 2014
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  2. Zeuticus

    Zeuticus Crew

    5 gunners are much better than 1 heavy gunner in most situations. The gunners will do more damage, cost less and recruit faster.

    With upgrades a heavy gunner can be useful in some situations, though. If the defense forces gunners to cluster a large group of them can get taken out quickly by mortar fire. One heavy gunner is more durable than 5 gunners in confined spaces under heavy fire.

    Heavies shoot more rounds per second than the standard gunners, so the damage totals aren't accurately compared in the video.

    The video shows well upgraded gunners against entry level heavies, so it's not surprising that the gunners did much better.

    I've been working on my heavy gunner upgrades with the expectation that they'll be a useful part of a raid once they get 72 damage and range 5. I'll recruit one or two now for each group (like I do with witch doctors) and use them in situations where I need to do damage while standing up to a couple rounds of mortar fire.

    I have their "old painless" training now, though it doesn't seem to provide a substantial boost to their abilities while active.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2014
  3. Roserio

    Roserio First Mate

    I totally agree Zeuticus,
    It will be great if you can share the video's of Heavy Gunners!,
    but anyway this video is about 'present' not the 'future',

    with the same money it's better to invest to the original units..that might be better strategy

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