HG training tree.

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by hidyhorum, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. hidyhorum

    hidyhorum Crew


    Makes sense to me. I don't know.
    # Johnny Doe # and Blueberry like this.
  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Because it's not needed at PH 7. I made it to PH 8 without ever using them. And most I know we're the same. Even now at ph 8, I only use them when pushing rank.

    The extra range would be overkill for a PH7
    Tikigirl and Tex like this.
  3. hidyhorum

    hidyhorum Crew

    Maybe our views are different. What is the point of having them available, if we know it is gimped and don't use it until YOU MAXED THEM at PH8?

    I understand your point, it still does not make sense game wise. The point is to keep the customer who are paying you right? Not get bored to the fact that you don't want to play with them until you get to max them. Just don't make any sense. And then when you max them, we get complains that it's overpowered. :)
    What was that old saying? It's about the journey, not destination. I am one of many paying customers, and I hope Midoki plans on keeping those customers.
    Not needed and wanting to play with hg because it's in the game because you genuinely like the game are 2 different things.

    By that logic, I don't "need" to play this game.
  4. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    It makes perfect sense, otherwise why not make it available at PH 1? Lol
    Just upgrade to PH 8 and put in your dues like the rest of us did.
    Tikigirl and Ian like this.
  5. hidyhorum

    hidyhorum Crew

    Alright sir will do. Since you guys are ph8's, I feel like I'm speaking to a dead wall.

    Regardless of one's PH level. HG cost a lot to train, recruit, but the pay off is not worth it til the very end. Not very progressive training like most other troops until the very end. This is the point I'm trying to make. But OK. /end rant. Guess if I get really tired if it, I can just answer with my wallet, instead if making a suggestion.
  6. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I think I get your point. At least one of those +1s should be at the PH7 level. Putting them both at PH8 makes for a powerful, and (semi)pointless upgrade
    hidyhorum likes this.
  7. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    I agree - HG's are useless until they have the maximum range. Moving the 6 range training up would make sense as otherwise you won't use them at all until you get to Academy 7. Maybe if their AI or stats were improved...

    Mine are maxed and I still never use them...not really that useful with a good attack strategy.
    hidyhorum likes this.
  8. hidyhorum

    hidyhorum Crew

    Thank you for your inputs!

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