How is my build? PH4

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by Moonie, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Moonie

    Moonie Powder Monkey

    I got completely mowed over by someone last night, so decided to rearrange it. I was hoping to take advantage of the AI, by having them run around to the opening in the wall, but I'm not sure if I did it right. My Mortar (level 3, upgrading tonight to level 4) covers my PH and all of my resources. Three of my cannons are level 7, and the one on the right side, behind the gun tower, is level 6. It is covered by my ship (level 2). One cannon is currently being upgraded to level 8. Gun Towers, one is level 4, the other level 3. Walls are all max level (level 3). But anyway resources are all covered by two cannons at the minimum, plus the mortar. I also just scooted my ship up a little more, and it protects the resources, PH, two cannons/gun tower, and part of my mortar.

    I want to get a bunker as well, but not sure where to put it quite yet. I had a much different arrangement last time, but someone found the weak spot finally. Any advice on where I should put it? I can move things around and space them out some. I was thinking of putting it behind the mortar, and moving the PH/pirate ship around so the ship is protecting the back end of the bunker. Not quite sure yet.

    The other thing I was hoping for was to stop the brutes in one way or another. I figure most people probably want to get rid of the mortar first, but the hope is that either they follow the wall around and go for the gun tower first, or at least the gun towers plus the cannons will get rid of the brutes as quickly as possible. And also try and lure the bucs/gunners/theives to the area with no wall, and let them get mowed down by the mortar/cannon.

    Anyway, any advice? Do you see any weak spots? Where would you attack my island from? Trying to minimize attacks as lately I have a LOT of gold/grog in storage trying to save up for things (primarily more storage LOL). Thanks in advance!!


    Oops meant bunker not barracks. :)
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  2. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    With about 4 Brutes, someone could do serious damage. If you scoot your grog distilleries out a bit and place a couple mines in the gap. Then scoot the gold mine on the right corner(facing the gap) and place a mine there too. You should be able to optimize your defense with this setup. Gaps are a troublesome ally though, so maybe focus placing decorations further away to prolong enemy troops' time to your base.

    Hope this helps. Good luck
    Moonie likes this.
  3. Sommiez

    Sommiez Crew

    Mate I think what you need to do is abit of rearrangement but the most important thing here is upgrades. You need to raid and get loot and upgrade your defence, especially your morta and cannons. They will be the once to save you. Also in the screenshot I don't see any mines being place, they are your friend and they can turn a battle around so get on to it.
    Moonie likes this.
  4. Moonie

    Moonie Powder Monkey

    Thank you guys for the advice! Will definitely rearrange a few things. I usually do have mines out, but I seem to have forgotten to replace them, I moved them to the far corner of the map when rearranging and forgot to put them back. Oopsies haha. I got my mortar upgraded last night, and have 2/4 cannons to level 8 right now. Finished gun towers too. I only have two builders right now, and I have been saving for a third, but I have one builder doing storage upgrades, and one builder doing defense upgrades (another cannon). Last night one person attacked with 5 brutes and 15 gunners, and only got 25% destruction. Second person was with 6 brutes and 11 gunners 22% destruction (they did walk away with quite a handsome chunk of gold). Third person attacked with 27 gunners and 2 brutes with 18% destruction.

    I do definitely see where some mines could be useful. I notice everyone drops their brutes on the two corners next to the ship, but AI seems to make them go for the pirate ship. And the cannon arrangement seems to have done its job along with the mortar and gun towers. I will start taking advantage of decorations again once my cannons are fully upgraded. I mostly had the island tight enough so that troops were attacked immediately no matter where they were deployed, but with two at level 8, and the mortar's range extended I can see where I can do much better. I've been thinking about placing the barrack right behind the mortar, and changing around the walls in that area. I want people to say screw it with the walls, and come from the end where there isn't, so maybe detaching the wall on the left, and using the extra wall to really surround the mortar/barrack could be beneficial, but don't know.

    Where would you guys place the barrack? I do know from attacking people the back end is incredibly vulnerable, but it seems like it could be quite a force to be reckoned with.

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