i'm baaaaaaaaaaack...MUHAHAHAHA

Discussion in 'Recruitment' started by J0ck0, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    just thought I'd drop a line to warn all the old hacks (@Christy, @Tex, @Kelani...). looks like you are still whining and losing, I see. time to stir things up. where is @Raptelan? where is @.Lord M€G/\T|2ON.? let's get this party started.
  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Woot woot!
  3. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    What's up, Bear? Where is your ship parked these days?
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I'm in Atarigeneration, but I'm barely playing these days.
  5. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I'm still here but not as active as I used to be. There's not much reason to play when your island and troops are fully maxed. If we're in a tight rumble I'll drop more gems to support our guild. But I distaste needlessly dropping gems without my dollars going towards a tangible upgrade. And my LP training is stuck until silo upgrades are released. I refuse to delete anymore hard earned LP materials than I already have. If Santa delivers a new PH you might hear from me more often.
    Becker Redbeard likes this.
  6. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Still here. Still running the Nest, and having a great time plundering with the awesome bunch of old-timers who make it all worthwhile.
  7. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Present :D always a pleasure to see you @J0ck0 :);)
  8. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    about what i thought...everyone bailed on this crappy game when they realized it wouldn't get any better. sorry to hear that, but it's expected. i have never seen a game with more potential screw up as much as Midoki has with this game. it's almost as if they did it on purpose. has no one at Midoki ever played a game like this before? glad to see that all my old pals are still alive and kicking, though. i wish you all the best. have a very blessed Christmas!
    Raptelan likes this.
  9. Shonda La

    Shonda La First Mate

    Old-timers? Makes it sound like TN is the geriatric guild!
  10. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    Oh how the tides have changed. This was once a great game and people loved it. Compared to Clash, loot was plentiful, graphics were beautiful, and everyone had a good time. Perhaps, loot was too plentiful, we maxed bases quickly and got bored. I know there are plenty of faults with this game, esp. since PH9, but lets not call this a crappy game. Most, if not all of you gave this game well over a year of dedication, if it was a crappy game, it wouldn't have lasted past your first session playing it, nor would you have joined a forum for it. But, welcome back J0ck0.
    Becker Redbeard and Raptelan like this.

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