Indicator or how many troops left to deployed!

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Ombit, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Ombit

    Ombit Crew

    Loving the game Chris and it feels lots more stable now so thanks for the hard work of the team.

    I would like an indicator on how many troops I still had to deploy? Would this be a possibility? I understand that we get an indicator of the type of troops, but the number of each would be great as well.

    Many thanks!
  2. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    Hey there

    Thanks for the kind words, we really have been trying to get everything stable for everyone and it's great to hear that it's appreciated.

    At the bottom of each portrait in the battle, there is a number and that counts down as you deploy the pirates, is that what you mean? Also, the portrait will grey out when the deployed troops of that type have all perished.
  3. Ombit

    Ombit Crew

    LOL! I hadn't noticed that!

    I feel stupid now!

  4. Ombit

    Ombit Crew

    What about an indicator telling me how many were still alive? (Trying to recover from my stupidity now - and this is what I actually meant to ask for, but obviously had an old age moment!)
  5. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    No problem. There's no 'how many left' counter as such, but like I said, if the portrait appears greyed out, that means all the pirates of that class have perished
  6. Ombit

    Ombit Crew

    That's the one. It's just sometimes my pirates are obscured by buildings and knowing when they're getting close to all getting wiped out might dictate when I release another lot in if I'm holding some in reserve!
  7. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah that's fair enough. It's a fine line between making the UI even more cluttered/confusing, and giving the player all the info they might need. We can certainly investigate it though.
    Ombit likes this.
  8. TBird

    TBird Captain

    I'll ditto his request
    It would be a huge help knowing how many are still alive on the battle field
    Don't know if its a slash count like 5/3, 5 left to deploy, 3 left alive on the battle field?
    Love the game, only played a few days and like it better than Friendly Fire already.

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