It's so nice to have uninterrupted game play

Discussion in 'Off topic' started by Riot Girl, Oct 17, 2016.

  1. Riot Girl

    Riot Girl Powder Monkey

    I'm upset because 2 of my favorite games started breaking in game for pop up commercial's that I'm am forced to sit through. Usually I get rid of those games quick, but these games ive been playing for years or so, and it just started. Even games like pp sometimes suggest games that the same company created but games like pp usually never hijack you into mandatory commercial. It's so frustrating even if they don't force u to watch the entire commercial. So I guess I'm just venting but also saying thank you to pp for only promoting in game content that doesn't hijack our devises. Love them for that.
    WePillageYou likes this.
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Unfortunately @Riot Girl this is commercialism at its best and a sad but sobering reality of todays society and the dark side of getting games so cheaply. The result is that members can and will vote with their feet, or just accept it.
    WePillageYou likes this.

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