Discussion in 'Recruitment' started by Ultimate Sea Dog, May 5, 2017.

  1. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Looking for a guild to chill at? Or a guild to just have some FUN? Join AMERICAN RANGER!
    An active guild of 20-30 pirates, of a mix of PH levels, all we care about is having some fun. No forced PR pushes, no donation ratio requirements, and NO RUMBLE REQUIREMENTS!

    All we ask is:
    Be active
    Participate in rumbles-at least one win. If you're PH8 and above, do try for 500 PP.
    Donate to guild perks, and fill up requests with L20 and up pirates (standard donation is gunners)
    and most importantly, just enjoy yourselves!

    Once a while, Ranger Elite will open for a RUMBLE PARTY! Minimum 5k pp, and everyone is invited to join us for a rumble or two. If you're gonna be away, go to AMERICANxRANGER and we'll add you back to AR once you're ready!

    If anyone is looking to join us, or another guild wishes to merge with us, do PM me or @bucket for details!

    Sea Patriot likes this.
  2. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

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