Juggernauts hard to use?

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Syun, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. Syun

    Syun Crew

    I just unlocked them and somehow i still prefer brutes then gunners. How to use them effectively?
  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Juggs soak up damage. Drop a couple and let them get some distance ahead. Then drop gunners or bombers or bucks. I sometimes use 10 juggs 20 gunners. But there are a lot of variations you can use. Just experiment.
  3. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    1-2 Jugs to soak, 4 brutes for defenses, bucs and guns to mop up?
  4. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Atm I got 10juggs and 20 buccs, or 10 juggs, 10gunners and 10 bombers.
    And I agree that sometimes the brutes are better since they go for the defenses first, but the dmg is insane on the juggs.
  5. Syun

    Syun Crew

    It really pisses me that sometimes the mortars are in thr middle and they go attacking buildings while cannons fire at them >_< is there any point upgrading them when brutes already learned bring it on?
  6. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    well, they get a little bit extra damage and more defense. academy 5 and 6 gives you 300 extra toughness. Im currently maxing my brutes, I just upgraded the last skill in the academy 4 tree.
  7. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    This is why brutes are better IMO - they go after defenses first
  8. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Yes. Once you get splash armor they are beasts. I just finished the +100 academy 5 upgrade and they're almost OP. I use 4 brutes 4 juggs and rest gunns. Brutes make their way to the mortars and the mortar fire heads to juggs which has almost no effect on them after splash armor upgrade.
  9. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    But until they are upgraded to that did you prefer brutes?
  10. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Yeah brutes are better pre splash armor.
  11. Neckbeard

    Neckbeard Crew

    I use a mix of brutes and jugs. The jugs give something for the mortar to shoot at while the brutes are beating on it.
  12. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    I have splash armor and I use 9 juggies and they pummel just about everything with some gunners....
  13. Lkkwus

    Lkkwus Crew

    I just did an attack and had 5 jugs out of 6 freeze on me WTF just stood there. Obviously lost the battle . Are they gonna fix this or what? Jesus
  14. key-sentence: spread them out. Make them walk different paths
  15. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    Jugs are great for taking damage. Especially the nasty motar splash. But they don't go directly after defenses, they aimlessly attack whatever is around them with no rhyme or reason to it.

    As soon as a Brute gets hit by a mortar, cannon, or gun tower it goes directly to it. When my units are getting plummeted by several defensive structures at once I don't need outhouses and other buildings destroyed.

    I have both Jugs and Brutes upgraded thru academy 4. Brutes cost 600 each, Jugs cost 3,000 each

    Ive found after Brutes are down and have the attention of the defenses, a solid group of Bucs/Guns are better than a group of Jugs.

    As soon as Brutes and Bucs both get the Mortar Massacre upgrade, both at the beginning of academy 5, I don't see the Jugs splash armor as a huge plus anymore.

    Buc / Brute combo = Less cost and they mop up faster than Jugs.
  16. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    This is a good tactic to use with any group of units your first dropping in for an attack. But it still doesn't make up for the lack of A.I. that Jugs have over Brutes imho.

    Dumb is dumb. Spreading them out won't change that.

    Only benefit I see in Jugs over Brutes is the supply cost per unit is lower.
  17. AI might be dumb but the player ain't. (well thats an assumption..) When I use several points of entry (usually 2 PoI)(bringing the walls down with bombers) my juggs rarely get stuck. It's like once in 20 battles. And usually it's only one and I still can complete the raid.

    Of course I would love to see the bug be solved. But for now I wont switch back to brutes.
    Reason why I don't go with brutes: I usually find my brutes in the middle of the enemy camp getting shot at by every possible defensive weapon of the enemy. And my DPS (gunners and bombers) are still wrecking havoc outside of the base. And when they get inside of the base most brutes are already dead or as good as dead. And after that it's slaughter party on the DPS. Juggs on the other hand use the same route as my DPS while protecting them, they take the damage while the gunners move along with them and.. Well shoot to kill ;)
  18. Lkkwus

    Lkkwus Crew

    Yes spreading them out eliminates them freezing but sometimes you just need to put them together for attacks . Whatever the case , that still shouldn't freeze however you wanna use them . Its a bug that definitely needs to be fixed

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