Leader Board: [Battle Me!] Button

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Super-Nor, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    It would be nice for training at the higher levels to be able to battle the leaders for practice. No points won or lost, no loot taken, just training.

    I am sitting at the low 600 trophies level and due to the long recruit times don't want to battle with the possibility of losing 15 or more points. If I do I have seven hours or more to wait for still production and recruiting before I can battle again to maybe possibly get one star and go back up a whopping three points. I never get any grog to brag about.

    Something needs to happen to eliminate the ennui at the upper levels and the duplication of bases and such. Some dynamic of battle need to change.

    PH8 will just delay this same thing a few weeks unless there is something other than more hit and damage points.
  2. Problem with that is people will practice over and over again until they found a way to beat them. That would be an unfair advantage not?
    I surely would hate it if all the real attacks on me would be 3 stars because attackers first found a way to do that.

    Second thing is: Think about what an impact that would have on the server! #Overload
  3. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    @The Fish Eyed Pirate

    Do you have any idea how to improve the upper level of the game? Something has to happen.
  4. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    fill up those storages.. you'll get more attacks :cool:

    thats the only incentive..... for now:confused:
  5. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Something is happening. (Lots of things, actually) in the next update. These should improve things up there.
  6. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    dont worry...things will be good and adjusted in the near future...
    we have to wait till the next update
  7. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    I hope so. I loved my pirate game until I maxed everything and now sit up at 600s in a constant state of waiting.

    Waiting is boring. Some lower level waiting can be overcome with gemming, which is good for Midoki, but at this point why spend any more money on gems? I have spent a whole lot of money to get maxed, but now realize it was not a good move.

    I was a pirate-aholic for a while there.
    Kelani likes this.

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