Legendary Pirates

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Shonda La, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Shonda La

    Shonda La First Mate

    It would be great if there was some sort of 'buyers guide' that went along with the LPs...some sort of 'this is how you use it' info. Currently, we are guessing what they do and how they do it based on the little information we have, and sometimes, that's not enough (ex: our guild spent twenty minutes watching videos of Annabelle to figure out if there was any rhyme or reason to her zooming...still not quite sure). Since they have these special abilities, some sort of details would be helpful.
    Tex and Kelani like this.
  2. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    Unfortunately, Midoki has specifically stated that they won't tell us all of the goodies regarding LPs and that they want us to figure them out on our own. So make some popcorn and enjoy those videos.
  3. Shonda La

    Shonda La First Mate

    That's super lame balls. I can understand not wanting to spill the beans and ruin the surprise pre-release, but once we have them in our clutches, we should get some info.
  4. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    @Shonda La I'm worse off for Annabelle! She heals all right, but i spent an hour watching my own replays and the guild's trying to figure it out. Same for Mack McKraken

    My hypothesis:

    Mack uses his hook to fly through walls/fly across water.

    Annabelle uses her zooming to fly across long distances. She favours ppl with low HP percentage, instead of the WD, which favours high HP.
  5. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Mack will use his hook to latch on to the nearest resource building (grog/gold store, collector) and can go as far as needed to get to it - I dropped him at an outhouse all the way across the ocean to kill it before time ran out, and he grappled his way 30+ tiles to get to a collector! He doesn't do this for normal buildings from what I've seen, but he prioritizes collectors. Also he can disarm the shark trap (he hits it like normal, and he jumps out just before it snaps shut, its really cool to watch!)

    I've found no rhyme or reason to annabelles zooming. Bear's hypothesis was that she teleports when she is attacked.
  6. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Ah! So that's the grapple!

    But my Annabelle was shot down by a poor little cannon and she stayed there... until 3 gunners died (from a Mortar) in a different place and she ran off to protect the rest.
  7. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    She might have a cooldown on how often she can teleport, who knows. She seems to be a little healer bee buzzing around with adhd, looking for whatever flower happens to catch her eye.
  8. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Yes. Finally! I got it! She teleports to get around quickly. Just like the WD doing his headless chicken marathons, she teleports to move from 1 target to another.

    BTW- is there a range boost for her healing dome?
  9. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Yes, as she levels up her range increases from 3 tiles to 3.5 tiles to 4 tiles.
  10. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I'm adding better descriptions to the legendary pirates on my guide very soon. It doesn't help pre-purchase, but it should help people understand how to use them after the fact.
    Shonda La likes this.
  11. Shonda La

    Shonda La First Mate

    Thanks, Bear. :)
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    No problem. I hope I can get them up in a day or so.

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