Limit Streak Buffs to currently unlocked pirates

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Jonesy, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Jonesy

    Jonesy Crew

    1- Not sure if this has been covered before, yes I did search.
    2- This mainly affects new and lower PH (1-5ish) players

    Please limit streak buffs to ones that affect pirates that the player currently has unlocked. I'm new (12 days old) to the game, and exploring the forums, I learned about streaking and streak buffs. Imagine my surprise when 75% of the buffs I get while on a streak are for pirates that I do not even have access to as either I did not have a Voodoo Hut yet, or I hadn't upgraded my hut/tavern/academy (through no fault off my own, I was PH4) enough to unlock the pirates that I get the most buffs for.


    EDIT- An afterthought, maybe make it PH specific, ie if you are CAN unlock those pirates at the PH level, then make the Buffs active, to discourage rushing etc.

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  2. John56

    John56 First Mate

    I am a PH9 and many of the streak buffs I get are for troops I am not using in my streak, so everyone is even, regardless of PH level.
    Tex likes this.
  3. Jonesy

    Jonesy Crew

    I don't mind getting Buffs for pirates that I have access to but am not using in my streak, ie Sky Raiders (they seem to be a favorite buff during my streaks), it is the getting buffs for pirates that I have not and can not unlock yet that bugs me. What you use during your streaks is up to you, but the buffs should at least be determined by what you have unlocked, no matter what you are using.
  4. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    I would say no to this request...
    If someone only unlocked a single pirate then they would be getting only buffs for that one pirate. In general there are only three buffs types per pirate: damage, toughness, and cool down. If running more than 3 buffs then there would be a greater chance of having a specialty buff (rather than a buff for different pirate). So as a result the singleton pirate will become over buffed with bonuses. And thus have a big advantage over someone who unlocked multiple pirates.
    Skillzone10 and Tex like this.
  5. Jonesy

    Jonesy Crew

    Bou, I think you missed the part where I added another qualifier, tying the available buffs to PH level, thus circumventing a 'rusher' that has only unlocked up to a specific pirate.

    Another example, in my case, was as PH4 I kept getting buffs for Skellywags and Priestess, which are not available until PH5 and 6 respectively, I think. Yes, they are relative to voodoo hut level specifically, but you can't upgrade the hut until the appropriate PH level. Why should a PH4 be getting buffs for those? A PH4 couldn't make them if he wanted to. Then I moved up to PH5, now I should be getting buffs to the Skellywag, whether I have unlocked it in the voodoo hut or not. Same for PH6, I should start getting buffs for the Priestess.

    I hope that cleared up my view of this issue. It isn't specifically limited to pirates that you haven't unlocked, but to pirates that you cannot unlock at your current pirate hall level, whether brand new or max.
  6. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    I would say no to this request...
    As it stands right now you have around a 1 in 11 chance of getting a buff for any specific pirate. In your scenario, at low PH this may be as high as 1 in 1 to 1 in 3 chance to get the buff. As such it would encourage players to try and maintain a lower PH level in order to increase the likelihood of getting buffs specific to the pirates they are using. I believe the consensus of the community as well as of the developers is to encourage growth and to increase PH levels. As I see it your request runs counter to this consensus.
    John56 likes this.

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