Lock pieces outside of editor mode

Discussion in 'Build Improvements' started by Skye, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I think it may be beneficial to lock the pieces of your base when you aren't editing it - either force us to go into edit mode to move them, or give us a lock icon or setting somewhere.

    I know many players that have accidentally dragged a wall piece or tiny decoration somewhere without realizing it when trying to move their view, and never realized there was now a hole. I haven't done it that I can recall, but I'm paranoid I may after seeing others make the mistake, and would rest a lot easier if I knew I was safe from it.
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    This happens so often when using the side screen on the iPad. Drop back into the game and realise I accidentally created a puddle.
    awbo likes this.
  3. mlc

    mlc Captain

    I have done this a few times, luckily I have realised before anyone attacked. I have also rotated a gp too without realising
    Keelhauler Jake likes this.
  4. Morganza

    Morganza Powder Monkey


    One possibility: put the lock on the edit screen, so people who only edit on the real map can never accidentally lock their layout.
  5. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Haha. I must admit that I have crashed a base or 10 due to this small mistake.
    Best one for me is the "oeps I move my guild schip 1 tile and now you can walk in" :p:confused::D
    Keelhauler Jake likes this.
  6. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    Been on both ends of that one!!!
  7. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    Ditto on the GP. Why is it that it happens almost only to GPs? Probably because it has the worst result!!!
    mlc likes this.
  8. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    Maybe you could argue that it's part of the game. Make a silly mistake, suffer. I'm not advocating for that, I've had my fair share of accidental changes, sometimes caught, mostly not. I'm just wondering where the line between dumb mistakes and flaws/features in the game should be drawn. Wouldn't want this taken too far.

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