Matchmaking still not fixed

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by Captain Dack, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Captain Dack

    Captain Dack Powder Monkey

    I thought I read somewhere on the forum where the matchmaking had been fixed and that when searching for an opponent a match would be found plus or minus one Pirate Hall level and then based on Pirate rank.

    Matchmaking has not been fixed.

    I have a level 6 PH. Whenever I search for an island I always run across at least three level 8 islands. And in some cases, almost maxed out level 8 judging by the walls and cannons. I have been taking notes and on average out of 10 islands that I cycle though 3 are PH 8, one is a 6 and the rest are 7. Occasionally I see a 5. This happens when we are not rumbling. During rumbles I sort of understand seeing a level 8 only if they are in the same rumble group but it really should not happen non-rumbles. If I can see them they can see me. And they do judging by the 100% damages I take whenever a level 8 attacks me.

    What's the scoop? Hardly seems fair investing all the time and money into something a bully can take away in a three minute fight. I would love to try to attack a Level 8 but why open the door for them to kick your a** during a revenge attack?

    What is the current matchmaking policy? And will it ever change?
  2. What's your Pirate Rank?
  3. awbo

    awbo Captain

    @Lynsey [Midoki] said in another thread that we should only be seeing + or - 1 PH however I'm PH7 and regularly matched with PH 5. Should it matter about PR, Lynsey didn't mention that so I assumed it's irrelevant?
    killua likes this.
  4. As a PH8 I mostly see PH8's and sometimes a PH 7. PH 6 is quite rare even when at low Pirate Rank. (except during rumbles ofcourse)
  5. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    PR is also a factor, but the algorithm prioritises by PH level.
  6. awbo

    awbo Captain

    Thank you
  7. Captain Dack

    Captain Dack Powder Monkey

    Fish Eyed Pirate my Pirate Rank is around 240.
  8. Captain Dack

    Captain Dack Powder Monkey

    Thank you for the reply Lynsey, much appreciated. If the priority is PH then my island must be in the Bermuda Triangle. Hopefully it can be moved like the island in "Lost"
  9. Kraken

    Kraken Powder Monkey

    I similarly have a problem with the matching system. Very seldom am I presented with a PH on my level. They are usually two levels above or two below, and especially during rumbles, I am presented with the same PH sometimes more than 5 times during a search!
    Of course, each time I am charged 300 pieces of gold for the great opportunity to take on someone I can slaughter for no gain, or be trounced by someone 2 PH levels higher. What's up with that?
  10. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Its the same for me, I'm PH8 and seeing nothing but PH9 with very very few PH8 and never a PH 7. I can't remember the last PH7 I've seen while searching for a battle. I do pretty well against the PH9's that aren't maxed but I need one hell of a crew to do it. My only guess is that being at a somewhat higher PR (498) makes the game do this.
  11. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I find non-rival ph7 if I drop below pr200 but they're very rare. Unless you spend half your game time dropping rank on purpose, you'll never fight anyone below ph8 as a ph9 outside of a rumble :c
    850arrr likes this.
  12. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Its been awhile since I've tanked my rank so that's probably why I don't see any PH7s but that doesn't explain why I am not seeing very many PH8s when searching. 90% of the bases offered are PH9 even though I'm a PH8.
  13. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Sorry to bump this, but after all, my job is to revive threads:p
    I'm a PH6 and I constantly get PH8/9 and almost NO PH6.
  14. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Rank down. Surrender a ton of fights. At lower PR, you see a lot more ph6-7, and as soon as you start getting to around 200, you start seeing only ph8-9s. Even as a ph9, not in a rumble, if I drop rank to 100 (not low 100s, exactly 100), I almost only see ph6-7. After one or two wins, at PR120-140, I start seeing a ton more ph8 filling it up, and by 200 I don't see anything under PH8.

    I could probably exclusively fight ph6 if I kept my rank under 100.

    edit: I realize that somewhat runs contrary to what I said before, but I hadn't previously dropped all the way to 100, only about 150.
  15. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    wow... the official Thread WD did great this time:p
  16. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    and @Skye I had ranked up for the rank push MR is going to start:)

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